author - "Edward Payson Roe"

en thought ofvery much else except the harmony and good comradeship which bless people whoare suited to each other. He had been disappointed in no respect; they hadtoiled and gathered like ants; they were confidential partners in the homelybusiness and details of the farm; nothing was wasted, not even time. Thelittle farmhouse abounded in comfort, and was a model of neatness and order.If it and its surroundings were devoid of grace and ornament, they were notmissed, for neither of its occupants

en thought ofvery much else except the harmony and good comradeship which bless people whoare suited to each other. He had been disappointed in no respect; they hadtoiled and gathered like ants; they were confidential partners in the homelybusiness and details of the farm; nothing was wasted, not even time. Thelittle farmhouse abounded in comfort, and was a model of neatness and order.If it and its surroundings were devoid of grace and ornament, they were notmissed, for neither of its occupants