author - "Faheem"

Dengue fever Since the dawn of this year already about 20 people have died of dengue fever in Srilanka. That is a huge number to be affected by an easily controllable disease in an intelligent country like ours. Every one of us must take responsibility for this tragedy. Knowledge of the habits of the mosquito and how the Dengue fever is transmitted and how to identify dengue early are the key areas of prevention. We not only must keep ourselves educated but must educate the masses too. Dengue

Dengue fever Since the dawn of this year already about 20 people have died of dengue fever in Srilanka. That is a huge number to be affected by an easily controllable disease in an intelligent country like ours. Every one of us must take responsibility for this tragedy. Knowledge of the habits of the mosquito and how the Dengue fever is transmitted and how to identify dengue early are the key areas of prevention. We not only must keep ourselves educated but must educate the masses too. Dengue