author - "Gustavus Hindman Miller"

ERVATION PROVES THE EXISTENCE OF A PSYCHIC WORLD,as real as the world known to our physical senses. And now, because the soul acts at a distance by some power that belongsto it, are we authorized to conclude that it exists as something real,and that it is not the result of functions of the brain? Does light really exist? Does heat exist? Does sound exist? No. They are only manifestations produced by movement. What we call light is a sensation produced upon our optic nerveby the vibrations of

ERVATION PROVES THE EXISTENCE OF A PSYCHIC WORLD,as real as the world known to our physical senses. And now, because the soul acts at a distance by some power that belongsto it, are we authorized to conclude that it exists as something real,and that it is not the result of functions of the brain? Does light really exist? Does heat exist? Does sound exist? No. They are only manifestations produced by movement. What we call light is a sensation produced upon our optic nerveby the vibrations of