author - "Holly LaRue"

I'm an Alien from Planet X. Our generation travels place to place,to learn of this Universe the humans call home. I've been sent to discover what its like on planet Earth. That is my duty. To find out why everything is here. How everything was created. Is it safe? And to learn new things of the humans. And take all my knowledge and bring it back to my kind. And maybe just maybe we will show ourselfs to the human population that we are not made up,and we want to make peace,not war. We are here

I'm an Alien from Planet X. Our generation travels place to place,to learn of this Universe the humans call home. I've been sent to discover what its like on planet Earth. That is my duty. To find out why everything is here. How everything was created. Is it safe? And to learn new things of the humans. And take all my knowledge and bring it back to my kind. And maybe just maybe we will show ourselfs to the human population that we are not made up,and we want to make peace,not war. We are here