author - "J. D. Hooker"
ch was paid byGovernment. Owing to the kind services of Mr. J. C. Melvill,Secretary of the India House, many small parcels of seeds, etc., wereconveyed to England, free of cost; and I have to record my greatobligations and sincere thanks to the Peninsular and Oriental SteamNavigation Company, for conveying, without charge, all small parcelsof books, instruments and specimens, addressed to or by myself.It remains to say something of the illustrations of this work.The maps are from surveys of my
oreground. p.73Fig. 7. Women's head-dresses--the two outer, Lepcha girls; the twoinner, Tibetan women. p.86Fig. 8. Tibet marmot. Sketched by J. E. Winterbottom, Esq. p.93Fig. 9. Lachoong valley (looking south), larch tree in theforeground. p.103Fig. 10. Conical ancient moraines in the Lachoong valley, with Abiesbrunoniana and smithiana. p.104Fig. 11. Head and legs of Tibet marmot. Sketched by J. E.Winterbottom, Esq. p.106Fig. 12. Block of gneiss with granite bands, on the Kinchinjhowglacier.
ch was paid byGovernment. Owing to the kind services of Mr. J. C. Melvill,Secretary of the India House, many small parcels of seeds, etc., wereconveyed to England, free of cost; and I have to record my greatobligations and sincere thanks to the Peninsular and Oriental SteamNavigation Company, for conveying, without charge, all small parcelsof books, instruments and specimens, addressed to or by myself.It remains to say something of the illustrations of this work.The maps are from surveys of my
oreground. p.73Fig. 7. Women's head-dresses--the two outer, Lepcha girls; the twoinner, Tibetan women. p.86Fig. 8. Tibet marmot. Sketched by J. E. Winterbottom, Esq. p.93Fig. 9. Lachoong valley (looking south), larch tree in theforeground. p.103Fig. 10. Conical ancient moraines in the Lachoong valley, with Abiesbrunoniana and smithiana. p.104Fig. 11. Head and legs of Tibet marmot. Sketched by J. E.Winterbottom, Esq. p.106Fig. 12. Block of gneiss with granite bands, on the Kinchinjhowglacier.