author - "James Baldwin"
le. He led a wicked life, and was killed by one of his own men while hunting in the forest.And Henry, the Handsome Scholar, had not only the chest of gold for his own, but he became by and by the King of England and the ruler of all the lands that his father had had in France. THE WHITE SHIP. King Henry, the Handsome Scholar, had one son, named William, whom he dearly loved. The young man was noble and brave, and every-body hoped that he would some day be the King of England. One summer Prince
le. He led a wicked life, and was killed by one of his own men while hunting in the forest.And Henry, the Handsome Scholar, had not only the chest of gold for his own, but he became by and by the King of England and the ruler of all the lands that his father had had in France. THE WHITE SHIP. King Henry, the Handsome Scholar, had one son, named William, whom he dearly loved. The young man was noble and brave, and every-body hoped that he would some day be the King of England. One summer Prince