author - "Jeffrey Allen Whte"
This is Abel in Paris, a romantic comedy. The story revolves around Abel McCormick, an award-winning chef and widower and his 11-year old daughter, Sandy. Abel, decides to sell the cafe because of the memories of his deceased wife, Nina and Sandy wins them an all expense paid two-week vacation to Paris, that is Paris, Texas. Abel meets Lilly, a beautiful, French chef and a Cordon Blue School of Cooking graduate. They fall in love but with miscommunications, misunderstandings, some matchmaker by
This is Abel in Paris, a romantic comedy. The story revolves around Abel McCormick, an award-winning chef and widower and his 11-year old daughter, Sandy. Abel, decides to sell the cafe because of the memories of his deceased wife, Nina and Sandy wins them an all expense paid two-week vacation to Paris, that is Paris, Texas. Abel meets Lilly, a beautiful, French chef and a Cordon Blue School of Cooking graduate. They fall in love but with miscommunications, misunderstandings, some matchmaker by