author - "John Goerzen and Ossama Othman"

Debian is free in this sense: You are free tomodify and redistribute it and will always have access to the source codefor this purpose. The Debian Free Software Guidelines describe in moredetail exactly what is meant by free.'' The Free Software Foundation,originator of the GNU Project, is another excellent source of information.You can find a more detailed discussion of free software on the Debian website. One of the most well-known works in this field is Richard M.Stallman's essay, Why

Debian is free in this sense: You are free tomodify and redistribute it and will always have access to the source codefor this purpose. The Debian Free Software Guidelines describe in moredetail exactly what is meant by free.'' The Free Software Foundation,originator of the GNU Project, is another excellent source of information.You can find a more detailed discussion of free software on the Debian website. One of the most well-known works in this field is Richard M.Stallman's essay, Why