author - "Justin Mader"

in processing... According to our general scientific knowledge, our history continues from the Egyptians up to us into the 21st Century recorded clearly and defined. Also, all scientific theories such as Einsteins theory of relativity enshrined and anchored fixed in the thoughts of our world. But what happens, if all that would not agree so? What happens, if the beginnings of our history would have proceeded differently in reality? If Atlantis, UFO's and the Greys would exist really, if behind

in processing... According to our general scientific knowledge, our history continues from the Egyptians up to us into the 21st Century recorded clearly and defined. Also, all scientific theories such as Einsteins theory of relativity enshrined and anchored fixed in the thoughts of our world. But what happens, if all that would not agree so? What happens, if the beginnings of our history would have proceeded differently in reality? If Atlantis, UFO's and the Greys would exist really, if behind