author - "Kiera Thomas"
Laila, Tasha, and Ebony were 15,14,and 13 growing up separately in New York when back to back Laila’s Mother Charmaine married Both Tasha’s and Ebony’s fathers . Laila, the only child lived with her Single Mother Tasha the Wild card was sent to live with her father when her Mother passed away from Cancer and Ebony the Bookworm whose parents were separated lavished with her Brother Michael and her Wealthy father Cornel. Although none of the Marriages of Charmaine’s lasted due to her conniving
Laila, Tasha, and Ebony were 15,14,and 13 growing up separately in New York when back to back Laila’s Mother Charmaine married Both Tasha’s and Ebony’s fathers . Laila, the only child lived with her Single Mother Tasha the Wild card was sent to live with her father when her Mother passed away from Cancer and Ebony the Bookworm whose parents were separated lavished with her Brother Michael and her Wealthy father Cornel. Although none of the Marriages of Charmaine’s lasted due to her conniving