author - "Kyra Robinson"

When Jessica nearly gets killed by a familiar wolf, she believes nothing as bad as that can happen. Thats where she's wrong. Jessica just had news that her fathers been killed by someone. Or something. Thats when her life just stops and she's determined to find her fathers killer. On her wat sge meets Alex, the wolf that nearly killed her, and his friend Charlie. What she doesnt know is that they are both werewolves. But when she does she falls for Alex. And Alex falls for her. Suddenly

When Jessica nearly gets killed by a familiar wolf, she believes nothing as bad as that can happen. Thats where she's wrong. Jessica just had news that her fathers been killed by someone. Or something. Thats when her life just stops and she's determined to find her fathers killer. On her wat sge meets Alex, the wolf that nearly killed her, and his friend Charlie. What she doesnt know is that they are both werewolves. But when she does she falls for Alex. And Alex falls for her. Suddenly