author - "Maxwell Fuller"

similar. I want yours. I want theone you have, even if I already have one or many.3. Lust: I have to have it. 4. Anger: I will hurt you to insure that I have it, andand to insure that you do not have one. 5. Envy: I hate that you have one. 6. Greed: There is no end to how much I want, or to howlittle I want you to have in comparison. 7. Sloth: I am opposed to you moving up the ladder: itmeans that I will have to move up the ladder, to keepmy position of lordship over you. If I have twice asmuch

similar. I want yours. I want theone you have, even if I already have one or many.3. Lust: I have to have it. 4. Anger: I will hurt you to insure that I have it, andand to insure that you do not have one. 5. Envy: I hate that you have one. 6. Greed: There is no end to how much I want, or to howlittle I want you to have in comparison. 7. Sloth: I am opposed to you moving up the ladder: itmeans that I will have to move up the ladder, to keepmy position of lordship over you. If I have twice asmuch