author - "Meghna Sonkar"

The whole cave was soon filled with water. We couldn't swim. We couldn't breathe and lying there with our heads immersed in the water was not the most pleasing thing in the world. There was no way we were getting out of this mess. Kylie's voice wasn't to be heard. We were stuck in this watery mess of a cave. All I could see were the faded bodies of Richard and Bob, both trying frantically to swim out of the all-encompassing water.

The whole cave was soon filled with water. We couldn't swim. We couldn't breathe and lying there with our heads immersed in the water was not the most pleasing thing in the world. There was no way we were getting out of this mess. Kylie's voice wasn't to be heard. We were stuck in this watery mess of a cave. All I could see were the faded bodies of Richard and Bob, both trying frantically to swim out of the all-encompassing water.