author - "Merie McCard-Woods"

Thanksgiving When was the first Thanksgiving and who created it? Thanksgiving is not just a day we celebrate in November here in America. From generation to generation, people have been giving offerings and Thanksgiving in a feast full way, every since about 1440 BC. This puts a different outlook on the Thanksgiving word and day for me. I will never take another [waking up] [eating] [going to work] or going to sleep with a roof over my head] ever again without thanking God our Lord and Savior

Thanksgiving When was the first Thanksgiving and who created it? Thanksgiving is not just a day we celebrate in November here in America. From generation to generation, people have been giving offerings and Thanksgiving in a feast full way, every since about 1440 BC. This puts a different outlook on the Thanksgiving word and day for me. I will never take another [waking up] [eating] [going to work] or going to sleep with a roof over my head] ever again without thanking God our Lord and Savior