author - "Nicholas Vaughn Elliott"

Life is mundane, humanity has always set out to find excitement wherever it may lie. Whether it’s falling through the sky or diving to deeper depths, we will find it. Society is nothing but a bore, if only life was anything like it used to be when there were no massive civilizations. Hunting, fighting everyday just to survive, that’s the life he’s looking for. A life of fulfillment, because surviving is the most fulfilling thing there is.

Life is mundane, humanity has always set out to find excitement wherever it may lie. Whether it’s falling through the sky or diving to deeper depths, we will find it. Society is nothing but a bore, if only life was anything like it used to be when there were no massive civilizations. Hunting, fighting everyday just to survive, that’s the life he’s looking for. A life of fulfillment, because surviving is the most fulfilling thing there is.