author - "Sarah Evans"

Her name was Mitte Puhas, which meant “not pure”. And it fit. It fit her too perfectly. Another cart drove by her and its driver glared at her. ‘Wonder what he’s so angry about?’ She thought to herself and sighed. Her eyes turned up to the sky as just one more ship passed over. Involuntarily her hands drifted up to her temples. She felt the tingle that ran through her body, the never disappearing reminder of what she had become. A freak. That’s what she was, a freak. She felt herself blink back

Her name was Mitte Puhas, which meant “not pure”. And it fit. It fit her too perfectly. Another cart drove by her and its driver glared at her. ‘Wonder what he’s so angry about?’ She thought to herself and sighed. Her eyes turned up to the sky as just one more ship passed over. Involuntarily her hands drifted up to her temples. She felt the tingle that ran through her body, the never disappearing reminder of what she had become. A freak. That’s what she was, a freak. She felt herself blink back