author - "Taylor Stone"

Summer Arella Nerissa Romello also known as Arella has been isolated in the california mountains of susanville all her life how she enters high school . her father died and someones out to get her. she falls for a marine named Trevor while arranged to marry her childhood crush who loves her. will he be able to protect them and their love?.will she chose her crush or the marine? can she survive all this and the stress of highschool and a new family..did i mention shes a wolf?.... note: if you

Summer Arella Nerissa Romello also known as Arella has been isolated in the california mountains of susanville all her life how she enters high school . her father died and someones out to get her. she falls for a marine named Trevor while arranged to marry her childhood crush who loves her. will he be able to protect them and their love?.will she chose her crush or the marine? can she survive all this and the stress of highschool and a new family..did i mention shes a wolf?.... note: if you