author - "Theodore Dreiser"

"I wonder," said the mother, wearily, when they neared the door, "if they've got any coal?" "Don't worry," said Jennie. "If they haven't I'll go." "A man run us away," was almost the first greeting that the perturbed George offered when the mother made her inquiry about the coal. "I got a little, though." he added. "I threw it off a car." Mrs. Gerhardt only smiled, but Jennie laughed. "How is Veronica?" she

"I'd like to," said Stella. "It would be a lot of fun.""Come out Saturday evening and stay all night. He's home then." "I will," said Stella. "Won't that be fine!" "I believe you like him!" laughed Myrtle. "I think he's awfully nice," said Stella, simply. The second meeting happened on Saturday evening as arranged, when he came home from his odd day at his father's insurance office. Stella had come to supper. Eugene saw her

"I wonder," said the mother, wearily, when they neared the door, "if they've got any coal?" "Don't worry," said Jennie. "If they haven't I'll go." "A man run us away," was almost the first greeting that the perturbed George offered when the mother made her inquiry about the coal. "I got a little, though." he added. "I threw it off a car." Mrs. Gerhardt only smiled, but Jennie laughed. "How is Veronica?" she

"I'd like to," said Stella. "It would be a lot of fun.""Come out Saturday evening and stay all night. He's home then." "I will," said Stella. "Won't that be fine!" "I believe you like him!" laughed Myrtle. "I think he's awfully nice," said Stella, simply. The second meeting happened on Saturday evening as arranged, when he came home from his odd day at his father's insurance office. Stella had come to supper. Eugene saw her