author - "Wesley Russon"

After long and trying failed!... rescue atempt zack is capterd by the same Dark elves that cught his sister and her band. finding she is pregnet with one of ther childern and going to use all the new prisoners as as sacrifices to there dark saints and godess he try to strk a deal for the life of the childern now growing in his sister but his call fall on deff ears in in one last finle attempt to save them escapes with the ues of his ninjgestu kill many of ther slave and fighter two even of the

Blade, a legendary assassin, finds out that the people he has sworn allegiance to has become corrupted, and he now gives his only living child to be raised by someone else. Or so he thinks... Being the heir of the legendary Blade but not knowing this he not just any kid he has inherited his fathers powers. As well being raised by a monk is fine life and all but when stranger appear in town his foster father flips and sends him to live with elves there more to this he know it all has to do with

After long and trying failed!... rescue atempt zack is capterd by the same Dark elves that cught his sister and her band. finding she is pregnet with one of ther childern and going to use all the new prisoners as as sacrifices to there dark saints and godess he try to strk a deal for the life of the childern now growing in his sister but his call fall on deff ears in in one last finle attempt to save them escapes with the ues of his ninjgestu kill many of ther slave and fighter two even of the

Blade, a legendary assassin, finds out that the people he has sworn allegiance to has become corrupted, and he now gives his only living child to be raised by someone else. Or so he thinks... Being the heir of the legendary Blade but not knowing this he not just any kid he has inherited his fathers powers. As well being raised by a monk is fine life and all but when stranger appear in town his foster father flips and sends him to live with elves there more to this he know it all has to do with