author - "nicole isabelle aller"

Anna Bell was only six years old when she was diagnosed with a diseas that causes all of her precous memories to dissapear and her heath to diminish.When the doctor came in to tell her mother the news she hardly understood what was going on but she knew somthing bad had happened when her fragile mother fell to her knees and cried and her mother never cried .Six months past by and her disease kept gaining her memories and leaving her scared fragile and knowing nothing until her life is turned

Anna Bell was only six years old when she was diagnosed with a diseas that causes all of her precous memories to dissapear and her heath to diminish.When the doctor came in to tell her mother the news she hardly understood what was going on but she knew somthing bad had happened when her fragile mother fell to her knees and cried and her mother never cried .Six months past by and her disease kept gaining her memories and leaving her scared fragile and knowing nothing until her life is turned