This is literally a collection of poems and other nonsense that jumps into my mind through out the days. You know, those little catchy things that you like and have to write down before you forget them or you play around with them in you head and before you know it their stuck in there until you do something with them? This will continue to grow as things pop up. I am warning you now: SOME MAY BE BASED OFF OF SOMETHING COMPLETELY RANDOM!!! What I mean by random is: A story about a city of

“Thanks for your love, I am saturated, I always cried for love, my parents never loved me and left me alone with their own separate lives, I used to complain to God and he heard me and sent you. I love you John and I will keep loving you.” She was speaking so slowly that John was able to hear after concentrating keenly. “Angel please” John’s eyes were filled with salty water. “John, don’t cry” she picked her tear on her lip. “See honey, its raining outside, come and lets enjoy lets catch every

This is one of my first exercises at a writing class as well as more of a short story, through Writer's Studio. It was a lot of help with fresh ideas, and learning many styles of writing. I hope you enjoy it, and please be honest about your critiques. So that I will continue improving, and do some editing along the way. Also there are other short stories as well from my literture class as a self-bio pieces. Some poetic, some are snippets of memories. I'll probably reorganize the chapters a

This is literally a collection of poems and other nonsense that jumps into my mind through out the days. You know, those little catchy things that you like and have to write down before you forget them or you play around with them in you head and before you know it their stuck in there until you do something with them? This will continue to grow as things pop up. I am warning you now: SOME MAY BE BASED OFF OF SOMETHING COMPLETELY RANDOM!!! What I mean by random is: A story about a city of

“Thanks for your love, I am saturated, I always cried for love, my parents never loved me and left me alone with their own separate lives, I used to complain to God and he heard me and sent you. I love you John and I will keep loving you.” She was speaking so slowly that John was able to hear after concentrating keenly. “Angel please” John’s eyes were filled with salty water. “John, don’t cry” she picked her tear on her lip. “See honey, its raining outside, come and lets enjoy lets catch every

This is one of my first exercises at a writing class as well as more of a short story, through Writer's Studio. It was a lot of help with fresh ideas, and learning many styles of writing. I hope you enjoy it, and please be honest about your critiques. So that I will continue improving, and do some editing along the way. Also there are other short stories as well from my literture class as a self-bio pieces. Some poetic, some are snippets of memories. I'll probably reorganize the chapters a