When sara (demon princess) is born she experinces a little adventure with one of the kingdoms guards. When her dad finds out he fires the guard and he is thrown in a gooey ucky cell in the kingdoms prison. Sara eventually finds her mother who was all this time sleeping in her room under the bed. You'll find out in this book how the demon princess feels about her life and her new secret boyfriend dave (the guard).
Caraline's father recently died. After this many things changed. She realized that she was chosen to do something very dangerous. This includes risking her life. Jason and Annabelle are stuck with the same fate. Together they would have to end an ultimate war between the Hultarials and the Falcrons.
When sara (demon princess) is born she experinces a little adventure with one of the kingdoms guards. When her dad finds out he fires the guard and he is thrown in a gooey ucky cell in the kingdoms prison. Sara eventually finds her mother who was all this time sleeping in her room under the bed. You'll find out in this book how the demon princess feels about her life and her new secret boyfriend dave (the guard).
Caraline's father recently died. After this many things changed. She realized that she was chosen to do something very dangerous. This includes risking her life. Jason and Annabelle are stuck with the same fate. Together they would have to end an ultimate war between the Hultarials and the Falcrons.