wouldn't you love to have a life, when people from your own race inslaved you and you're three year old sister for their own happiness, No? I didn't think so, well thats the life of Aspen Woods. Her and her sister Rosie are taken from their demension on earth and are brought to the third demension of Sper, I realm of disbelief and the impossible. But they are taken for a reason, being the last of their family generation of Elfsmen. Soon things start taking a turn for the worst, Aspen's sister

Tyler Ronald was just a little boy when it all started. the beating the yelling. he had a lot of family issues and he always had a bruise of some sort from his dad, who beat him everyday no matter what. he finally moved away with his mother to California there he met the most beautiful girl, and there his life changed forever.

After visiting with Lucem's mother, Jacko stays with his uncle who teaches him how to live off the land. For awhile, he's blissful because he gets to forget his troubles, until they're attacked by demons. They escape to the Garden of Hera where they discover the River Styx, and pick up a new friend along the way. With the help of Faunus, they make it to Mount Olympus, the last safe place on Earth. While he struggles with living in a war ravaged world, he learns to accept his role in being a

wouldn't you love to have a life, when people from your own race inslaved you and you're three year old sister for their own happiness, No? I didn't think so, well thats the life of Aspen Woods. Her and her sister Rosie are taken from their demension on earth and are brought to the third demension of Sper, I realm of disbelief and the impossible. But they are taken for a reason, being the last of their family generation of Elfsmen. Soon things start taking a turn for the worst, Aspen's sister

Tyler Ronald was just a little boy when it all started. the beating the yelling. he had a lot of family issues and he always had a bruise of some sort from his dad, who beat him everyday no matter what. he finally moved away with his mother to California there he met the most beautiful girl, and there his life changed forever.

After visiting with Lucem's mother, Jacko stays with his uncle who teaches him how to live off the land. For awhile, he's blissful because he gets to forget his troubles, until they're attacked by demons. They escape to the Garden of Hera where they discover the River Styx, and pick up a new friend along the way. With the help of Faunus, they make it to Mount Olympus, the last safe place on Earth. While he struggles with living in a war ravaged world, he learns to accept his role in being a