» Adventure » The Pack Sample, MostlyGlitter [top 100 books of all time checklist .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Pack Sample, MostlyGlitter [top 100 books of all time checklist .TXT] 📗». Author MostlyGlitter

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To everyone

I looked up at the sky. Tonight was the night that I was to set out with my mate, Blaize, to rally my own pack. Blaize nuzzled against my side, trying not to knock me over with his size, weight, and strength. I smiled gratefully, and licked him as a response.
"Worried?" He asked, sitting, curling his tail halfway over his paws, swishing it as a cat might do.
"No," I said back, sighing, swinging my head back at him, only to find him standing beside me by his warmth.
"Caught ya," Blaize laughed, a twinkle sparking in his groveless golden eyes which stood out from his black on black coat, as an addition to my coloring, which is silver, the color of silver that seems as though quicksilver had watched me grow, with electric green eyes.
"When are you to stop that?"
"Never," He rolled his eyes as he said so. I sighed.
I heard a bark, and turned to see my mom, smiling, her bulky white frame beside my dad, who was the opposite, black.
"Hey, Mom." I breathed out heavily. She licked my ear, smiling.
"Brought you a gift to help you in need." She rubbed her thing ruff, and a small, fly-wing thin, yet very strong and sturdy ruby slipped onto the cave floor of the family den. Still smiling, she gently scraped it on her nose and put it in Blaize's thick ruff.
"Thanks, Ma." I replied, yipping happily. I thought for a second afterwards. "Where do you think I should go?" The rock room occupiers froze as if they has been turned stone themselves. After a slightly long silence, the group all said together, "the Midwallt Valley."
I raised my eyebrow. "What?"
My mom sighed. "Do I have to draw a darn map?"
"That would be nice," I muttered louder than I intended.
My mom glared at me, yet then my friends poured into the large cave like water being released from a dam.
"What are they doing?" I whispered.
"Helping you start you pack, plus, all of our pack is coming with you."
"But, Dad, I only want my brothers, sisters, and close friend to come." I breathed.
"Oh," Mom & Dad both said in unity. My Dad made every one else but my requested wolves leave. I smiled, nuzzled my Mom & Dad, then flew through the thick mess of wolves to begin my journey.

I smiled as I felt the ripple of the uneven wind through my fur as I ran at full speed, faster even than a cheetah. I threw my head back and howled a song of a blue-jay's. Blaize just smiled, shook his head, and ran even harder, but still behind me. I smiled, (OK, guys, now I'm just going to fast forward, cuz I'm lazy. I admit.) and soon found myself at Midnight Moores. I bonded both the packs, then ran on to the next land. The Midnight Turfs Pack. I joined them to my pack. So on and so forth, and soon I came to the land I was to be in after many moons, night, months, days, hours, minutes, & seconds. The Widwallt Valley.
The land really was a valley, for my surprise. It was perfect for a pack, and it wouldn't have to be gnawed for contention. I tilted my head, scanning the place. At the top of the ledge from the very tall levee I was on, I could see, on the west, a large Willow/Sequoia tree. I figured that could be divided into sections for the healers, Elders, and for the nursery. A little past that was a cave-like alcove made out of a plain bluff, of which was covered with shimmery moss, and in addition the cave/den was, too. I guessed the Diggers could make that a large amount wider. I skipped down the bluff of the ledge, and ran to the willow. To my surprise, the what-I-thought-was-worn-out-path-made-of-dirt was tan moss, which shimmered and glowed when I, & only me, touched it. I thought, then changed my mind to the subject of the next thing. I leaped up the short bluff and saw a silver rock, of which was large, and it was like a shell that encrusted the top of the warriors' den, and ran all the way round the tallish bluff. (FYI, a bluff is like a cliff-face.) I noticed it was silver painted, and also Mother-of-pearl... I rolled my eyes as this was discovered. I yelled to all the rest of the pack, "COME AND CHOOSE YOUR GROUP DEN, GROUP LEADERS! ALTHOUGH, HEALERS, PUPS, WARRIORS, AND DIGGERS, REPORT TO ME AT ONCE." The pack trembled, as if rallying, and then busted throughout the land with the lead of their ranks leading, or at point. I watched as the pups tripped over one another as they
trotted to me, being surrounded by the mothers. When everything was calmer, I hopped down to the crowd and said, "Diggers, get your thorns and metal-owl-talon-claws and work on the moss cave. Older apprentices, get vines, leaves and twigs, please. Elders, find a soft spot & lay down, Healers, gather herbs and make more clay pots. I have a feeling this plain has many herbs." All at once, the multitude of wolves departed on the journey set for them at an orderly walk. I smiled, and walked up an incline to the center of the grounds, lay down on my stomach, crossed my front paws, put my head on my paws, and blew my side bangs to the side as I watched the pack ranks of groups decide the dens. Soon, just as I was going to get my first glimpse of sleep, I felt a soft shove on my side. I opened one eye to see Blaize, and hear him whisper, "found our den," as he pointed his nose up to an even higher point of the silver mother of pearl mast. It was beautiful, with two-legs carvings of symbols that were just... Lovely. I saw a multitude of furs placed on the steps. I smiled, and nipped my best buddy's ear.

Once inside, I saw the outside was nothing compared to the inside. The cave/den was covered in silver, shimmering moss, and had many alcoves. One I saw had a stick-framed dog-bed like bed, with was large enough for me, Blaize, and fifteen pups to stretch out on. I saw that it was as soft as a baby blanket, and was as comfy as a tempurpedic mattress. I saw a firefly jar made of dried sea-weed. I smiled, nuzzled Blaize's ruff, and caught the important Gem on my nose, & looked around for a clay jar. I found one on a shelf like ledge, pulled it down, and I flipped open the Oak-leaf covering. Dropped the Gem inside it. Then, on unstable legs, I went to the bed, plopped down as Blaize found a humongous cape made of the same fur as the bed and draped over me, told Blaize what to tell the Apprentices, Healers, Warriors, and Diggers what to do next, then fell into my first blissful sleep since the day I started my five year long journey.

The next day, I was awoken by cheerful yips of puppies. I yawned, stretched, and didn't notice the small cover I wore for warmth, as it was the first day of the true cold. I walked out to everyone wearing one, and looked at my own back. My fur color. Oh, well.

I though, sighing as I saw the stairs down were iced over. I looked around, hoping for an idea or hint from Blaize, and found a fur that was big enough for both me and Blaize to lay on together, and it with raised, with fur on the bottom of the raisers. It was framed, like a crib, but the framing was short, and it was cushioned with bird feathers. I smiled, got on it, and pushed away from the wall with guard the entrance ledge to the den to prevent falling and dying, (the wall covers the top and sides on the stairs, as the stairs curve but still stay even,) and I zoomed down to find Blaize waiting, and a wooden board cushioned with lots of feathers slammed into me. Well, more of cushioned my stop. I muttered from inside the pillow, "I think you can move this now." I heard my bud laugh as it slowly went back.
"Come on," Blaize said, pushing her off the sled as a rock sheet pushed the sled back. I whistled as I saw the table-like rock in the middle of the pack land. When I looked even more closely, I saw every single wolf on a fur-covered pillow, which, once again, was filled with feathers. I nipped HIS ear, then walked to the head of the circle table and shouted what all the wolves had been waiting for, for the table was inlaid with meat, herbs, and bone calcium, which was, "EAT!"
The table exploded with action. Although, when my mate went to the other end of the table, the wolves all quieted and nudged the plates with their noses clockwise to the wolf beside them. When I got the plate, the best were left only, and they were the last. I felt pity for the low ranking, who almost never ate, as they stared at my huge chunks of the best parts of the various pieces of animals. I picked my pieces up, walked to the wolves who barely got anything, and tore them generously sized chunks of the meats. Then I went to the Gnaw Wolves, and smacked the one who did the whole ceremonial speech, and muttered around the food, "shut up, don't ever say humble or the other procedures, and then you'll be doing the best thing in the world for me." I heard the rest of them snicker, and skipped the precedure-loving one and gave the others the share they deserved. As I returned, I saw a scraggly little pup peek from some bushes. I guessed it was from that one one pack which was not as fortunate as us. When I was sure everyone was lost in the conversation and gossip, I sneaked away, brought the pup a huge chunk of meat, and whispered, "hurry now, and go to your pack and tell them that Aria, female Dominant wolf of Silver Snows Pack, invites them to a great feast." I watched as the pup, first, tore hungrily into the meat, flung the rest on its back, muttered a humble thanks, then scurried off. I smiled and trotted back, and ate until my stomach was totally full. When was done, I headed over to the Healers' den to see if Blaize instructed them correctly. He did. There were vines and leaves that hung loosely and thinly to divide it. Then, I wondered to the Warrior den. I found it hadn't budged. Irritated, I went inside to dig it out myself. To my surprise, I found it multiplied in size by fifteen. I whistled, then thought, OK, then, Enchanted. Wonderful. We live in a magical land. How cheesy.

She heard a Reporter come

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