» Adventure » A girl always needs a little love, Z. Timol [best inspirational books TXT] 📗

Book online «A girl always needs a little love, Z. Timol [best inspirational books TXT] 📗». Author Z. Timol

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A not so perfect morning

I woke up to my alarm clock ringing and the sun shining through my window as always, I knocked down my clock and heard a crashing noise, well i guess it's dead, I was just about to go back under the covers when I remembered I've got school, so I got up and went into the bathroom. 

Once I was done dressing into my uniform I went downstairs and was met with the wonderful smell of fresh pancakes, yum, and an even more wonderful sight of my family sitting at the kitchen table, yeah yeah it's the same scene every morning but it seems special to me, so anyway I walked in and went to sit in my seat at the table.


''Good Morning honey how was your night?'' my mom asked 

''Morning mum, it was fine''


So, my mum, Caroline Grace, is an amazing person. She's 36, brown hair, hazel eyes, middle-sized, and a wonderful smile. She's a stay at home mom, and I wouldn't have it any other way, she sometimes does tutoring but not on a daily basis. And my dad, Joseph Grace, is just as amazing. He's 39, black curly hair, hazel eyes, tall, sometimes a bit strict but I mean which parent isn't?. He works as an airline manager and is a very busy man, we mostly spend times with him on weekends, but that's ok. And the smallest of all, Daisy Grace, my little sister. She's 7, she's the one that got my mom's straight brown hair while I've got my dad's curly black hair, we both have golden brown eyes and are both thin, not skeleton skinny, but thin and we are both very alike.


''Hey dad'' I said, and as usual he was busy reading the newspaper.

''Hi sweetie, you ready for school?''

''Yeah I guess''

''K, finish up quickly so we can get going, it's getting late'' my dad said 

''Mommy please please I really want it, all my friends have it'' I turned around to see my sister holding on to one of my mom's legs

''What does she want?'' I asked, knowing it would be another one of those toys that ALL her friends have, yup, I've gone through that stage and that excuse has never worked for me.

''She wants a set of those plastic high heels with the flowers on them'' my mom replied 

''Oh, well why do you want PLASTIC high heels when you practically walk around with mum's high heels on your feet the whole day, Daisy?'' I asked her

''You don't understand, it's not the same, please mummy, daddy, pleeease'' And then she started her signature howling, I hate how she cries, and at that point, my dad knew it was his time to settle the situation.

''Daisy, sweety, can you PLEASE stop crying, ok look we will go later after the doctor's appointment to get your toy, I promise'' 


By giving her what she wants 


Wait, what? ''What doctors appointment?'' I asked

''Lizzie your dad's knees have been hurting so we're going to the doctor to check it out''

''And you're taking Daisy with? What about me?, I want to come with, if she's skipping school then I can do the same''

''No honey, YOU have to go to school, and that's the end of it'' dad said

''But''  ''No but's, you don't have to miss school just to go to the doctors with us, it doesn't make sense'' Mum said 


''That's so unfair'' I whined 

''Come on you're gonna be late for school, let's go'' said my dad


You know that's so unfair, she always get's to miss school, and I know I'm bigger and all that nonsense but I really want to do something my own way for once!!

Now of course in a very ugly mood, I stomped out of the kitchen, grabbed my bag, and went to sit in the car.

The ride to school was quiet except for my sister chattering on and on about her stupid life.

School is just a 10-minute drive from my house so we reached quickly

Just as I was getting off, I heard my mum calling me.



''Now, don't you talk to me like that young lady, I just wanted to tell you that Grandma is coming to visit today so we will be picking you up one hour before school ends.''

''Yup, so just tell your teacher that, and have a nice day sweety'' said my dad

''Yeah, Whatever'' I said and jumped out making my way to the school gates, trust my parents to keep important news for the last minute. I heard my dad whoot and drive away, as I watched the car disappear, I couldn't help but feel like something really bad is going to happen. I shook the feeling off and smiled just as I saw my best friend coming towards me.












Not aware of the near future

''Hey bestie'' my friend greeted me 

''Hi blondie'' I greeted back


Linda Grey, my best friend since preschool, when she saw me crying because one of the other kids took my favourite doll, she gave me hers and we have been inseparable since then. She's got blonde hair, light brown eyes, she's a bit short but very smart. But the best thing about her is her capability to make me laugh at any time.


''So why you looking so gloomy today?'' she asked

''Oh you don't want to know, but I'll tell you anyway''. So then I told her what took place in the kitchen this morning and how angry I feel.

''Well darling, that's parents for you, there's really nothing you can do''

''I know but I just wanted to go with them, I mean is that so wrong?'' I told her just before we entered the classroom

She looked at me with a funny look, ''So you're telling me that being with me is not enough for you?''

I just rolled my eyes and went in, and smiled as I heard her laugh behind me.


''Good Morning Mrs.Evans'' we both greeted at the same time, and me now feeling much better I was able to give a real smile

''Good Morning girls, please have a seat'' she said with one of her famous half smiles


I went to sit in my seat and took out my notebook along with my pen, I then remembered.


''Ah, Mrs.Evans?''

''Yes, Elizabeth?''

''I just wanted to tell you that my father said he's going to be picking me up early from school''

''And why is that?'' she said, she always needs a reason argh

''My Grandma is coming to visit, soo I want to spend some time with her'' I answered

''Ok then, when the time comes you may go'' 


I looked at Linda to see her lost deep in her work, I honestly dont know what she was working on because as far as I know we had no homework from Mrs.Evans yesterday. Anyway, I took out a page and started drawing since the teacher didn't seem so interested in starting her class. Everybody is always telling me that I have real talent and that I can be a great artist, to tell you the truth, I don't even concentrate on what I'm drawing most of the time, but whatever.


''Ok girls, attention please'' she shouted


Well, I was wrong.Again.

Broken in a second


Tik tok tik tok. There's about 12 minutes till the bell rings for last period and I'm sitting here listening to my teacher going on and on, on how we should draw our diagrams neatly with a pencil, yah like nobody knew that. Unfortunately, Linda is not in this class with me, so I won't have anyone to pass notes to, not that I don't have other friends, it's just that none of them are as close as her.


''Elizabeth'' I heard Mrs.Evans voice calling me, I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and looked at her

''Yes, Mrs.Evans?''

''Are you here or in outer space Elizabeth?'' she asked, jee Mrs.Evans, I wonder who's sitting in this seat then.

''I'm here Miss'' 

''Ok, then perhaps you would like to tell me the formula on how to find the area of a square?''

''Oh that's easy, its side into side''

''Well good, why don't you step up and come solve this problem I've written on the board?''


I looked at the board, I honestly don't know when she wrote that. So anyway I got up and went to the board, I took the marker from her hand and just as I started there was a knock on the door.


''Come in'' said Mrs.Evans


One of the hall monitors came in with a very serious frown.


''Mrs.Evans, the principle will like to see Elizabeth Grace in his office now please'' she said

''What may the reason be Stacey?''

''There's some kind of emergency Miss''

''Very well, you may go Elizabeth''


At first, i thought my parents were here to pick me up, but then I thought why would I have to go to the office?. I grabbed my bag and walked out the door, following Stacey to the office.


''Please wait here'' she said

''Oooook'' I said


I looked around, I don't really come often to the principles office, I've only been here about 4 times. Everything seems to be fine around here, nothing seems to be an emergency.


''Elizabeth darling'' I turned around to see the secretary walk towards me

''Come on dear'' she said


I got up and followed her to the office door, my heart beating out of my chest, I walked in and got a shock because sitting there in the chair is none other than my...... Grandma.


''Grandma!!, what are you doing here?'' I was really worried because it looked like she was crying, and the moment I said that she started crying again. The principle got up from his chair and went to comfort her, and me still terribly confused walked forward.


''Whats wrong? why are you crying grandma?'' but she just cried harder

''Lizzie dear, please sit down'' The principle said

''No, first tell me what's wrong'' I cried

''Yes I will in a minute,but please, first sit''

''NO!! TELL ME NOW'' I shouted a bit loud, but the principle didn't seem too bothered about that.

''Very well Lizzie, you see something terrible has occurred, and I would like it if you didn't scream too loud. Lizzie your parents and sister were coming back from the hospital and they got into a very bad accident on their way'' he said

''WHAT? are they okay?'' I cried with tears rolling down my cheeks

''No Lizzie, I'm afraid they didn't make it to see tomorrow'' he whispered


And when he said that, in a

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