» Adventure » That one summer, bluegirl545 [top 10 best books of all time txt] 📗

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That one summer

The summer started off like any other summer with any kid just being happy to be out of school but every kid probably didn’t know what to do after the first few days of summer, of course there is going to the beach or camping or sports or shopping or just hanging around with your buds. But this summer starting off like any other wouldn’t turn out like any other, here is where we begin on a rainy day with three kids and the Idea.

Thump thump thump “what are you guys doing up there?” I yelled, no answer, the cat clock my mom bought meowed to 8 at night I marched up the stairs to the 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms floor “john, Jake!” I called but no answer. The house was dark and the power was out witch made this old place seem a lot creepier than it already was. I ran through the whole house but john and Jake were no where to be seen, But there was one place I hadn’t looked, the creepiest room in the house, the one place I hated going up to, that one place was the attic. I slowly approached the long string at the very end of the hall that lead up to the corridor that had the long latter to the attic I pulled the string and with a loud and fast banging type noise the ladder came down. I climbed up the ladder with the amazing anxiety to climb right back down but I didn’t, In the distance I heard a blow torch blowing, angered I ran up the rest of the ladder and to the boys I have been searching for, for the past fifteen minutes. “JOHN! JAKE!!!” I yelled with an angered tone as the boys turned there heads. “Oh, hi Jamie what’s up?” Jake [age 11 and 1/4}] said. ‘What’s up, is that I can not believe you guys started building a new project with out me!” I kneeled to the ground and took a look at the blue prints, “Ain’t it cool? We actually used scientific data and research we found on the web to create an actual cosmic time machine!” I looked over the blue prints again, “john did you right this or did Jake?” I asked [there hand writing was very similar but one of them wrote the research down wrong] “I did, don’t you think it looks totally awesome!” “John you messed up on the last equation.” John [age 11 3/4] looked at the blue prints again “oh.” He grabbed a pencil and slowly began to erase and wrote it again. “Thanks!” we all started to work on it, at around 9:47 pm it happened. “Hey guys its this wire, we are almost done.” john slowly plucked a wire and POW! We were all gone in a flash.

I slowly got to my feet looked around, we were somewhere in the middle of a forest of some kind, lying on the ground was John and Jake. “Jake, John!” the two woke in a flinch, there clothes were strange, medieval you could say but then again I was wearing a type of silverfish whitish kind of beautiful dress made for maidens I could presume. “Jamie, where are we?” how was I supposed to know again? “I don’t know it was the machine that teleported us here not me!” we suddenly both looked at John, “What I do?” “You had to pull the wire you just had to!” I was angered, we were lost, not a clue in the world was our machine or home was for that much. “Well sorry I was just following the blue prints and-!” boum boum, boum boum, “hey what was that?” boum boum, boum boum, “there it is again.” Jake slowly got to his feet as well as John, “I believe that is the sound of a mustang’s running hooves.” “Jake I do believe you are the most proper and weirdest kid I have ever met, apart form john that is.” The sound of the hooves came closer and closer, until a raging black mustang came blasting past us, then at the sound of dirt being ripped from its ground the mustang and the man riding it came to a sudden stop. The man that seemed very tall and muscular came and started to talk in a deep creepy tone. “Why hello there, what do we have here 3 lost children at the banks of vampire forest?!” we all took a huge step back. All the sudden the man was gone with a snap of the fingers he was gone. A few seconds later everything went black. Pure black.

I awoke in a dark type cavern it was very cold I could tell but I wasn’t that affected by it, my senses must be off, my vision ain’t that clear and it’s like I got super smell and hearing. Freaky right?! “Hello?” I said my voice echoing throughout the place or cavern I was in, no answer, as expected. I looked around the cavern type room was very blurry and dark… so I rally couldn’t get an actual vision picture in my head {partly because of my 2/20 vision I had right now}, but I could get a pretty good mental picture of it. All the sudden I heard hard foot steps down the hall as much as relief I had I still was freaked! I hit the wall with a slight motion in hope that whoever it was wasn’t coming for me! All the sudden there he was a wimp type man but the flexes in his arm told me he was strong but wimpy at the same time. “hello.” He had a strange voice…especially for the way he looked…kinda nice and you could almost say warm and comforting. “Hello.” I stumbled. “My name is Justin yours?” who again? “Um…Jamie, UM …where am I again? And for that matter how did I get here…and why am I here?” hello four basic questions! “Um…yes …about that…bye!” and in record timing the so called Justin was gone. I got away from the wall and walked further and further from the cavern room … I guess. Slowly and slower my sight soon returned but now I could see…well…better…a lot better. From what I could see there were very dim lights hanging fashionly from the sealing, and that dim light made the cavern hall [what to me seemed like a cavern] a lot brighter. Then out of no where something…something…someone …grabbed me…like that! “Mmmwmww!” I said…well mumbled from under the persons hand but that’s all that came out. “Shhhh!” he said. How again can I be quite when I’m being held captive…wall being held captive? “Leeemmeegmmmooo!” “Will you be quite?!” “Noa.!” I was angry; hey that last word came out pretty good huh. He walked me up to the dark side of the room; he stood against the wall me in front of him. “Leeemmeegmmmooo!” I yelled, louder this time. “If I let you go will you be quite?!” I nodded my head. He waited a minute then let me go. I ran the first second I got. “JUSTIN!” I yelled my voice echoing through the narrow cavern. The boy was there in a flash, “Efleco! How dare you enter this palace?” Justin was mad his eyes piercing into my ex-captors eyes.
To be continued


Publication Date: 03-20-2010

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