» Adventure » Shadow Master, Karlee Prince [most recommended books TXT] 📗

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Shadow Master
I walked slowly down the drive, the wind rustaling my hair. It felt good on this hot night. I brush my hair out of my face, and turn onto the street. My shoes slapped the pavement noisally, or at least it sounded that way up againt the silence of the night. I keep walking, keeping my head low and bring up my hood. My sweatshirt was my cover, against the blackness of the night. They were still after me. Still, after all these years. I walk near a street light and see his dark eyes underneth his hood. I walk a little faster, his apperence made the risk all the worth while.
"I told you not to come." His deep voice says quietly.
"But your happy all the same that I'm here." I say with a sly smirk.
He stayed quiet for awhile. Our blacksweat shirts and sweatpants covering our real sclothes, the ones that would definelty give us away. We waited a little longer.
"I don't think she's coming."
"Give her a little bit."
We waited some more. Then after what seemed like an hour, she came out of the bushes near our sides. A short, patiet blonde with a crooked nose smiles at us.
"I'm not late am I?"
"Only by about an hour." I say crossly.
"Sorry about her, she's impatient. What is the news?"
"They know your in this town, they want to have a sneak attack but are scared of being seen."
"Why are you telling us this?" I ask.
"I want to help the right side."
"I thought you supported them."
"I did, until I saw what you were fighting for."
"And what is that?"
Chapter 1
I jogged back to my house, slipping inbetween the cover of the shadows. The sweats were making me much slower. I don't know where he went, but it was into the showdows also. I reach the cover of my house and sigh a large sigh of relief. Thank god. I don't know why bt I'm not sure if I trust that blonde, Kelsey. She rubber me the wrong way. I walk up to my bedroom. My foster parents are asleep. I move quietly into my room. I close the door and look around my room. It's red wallpaper and carpeting, with a red bed in the middle. I begged my foster dad for black. My foster mom begged my 'dad' for pink. We comprmised in the middle on red. I've bought a bucket of paint that is just a shade darker, and plan on repainting it until it's a dark red, and they won't be able to know what happened. I move to the bed and rip of my sweats. It felt sooo good. I look in the mirror to find my usual apperance. I was born in my black, skin tight leather pants and tanktop. My cover. I thought to myself. Only my friend, the one I met with earlier, knew about it. Alex, my bestfriend, was also a shadow passer. That's what we were, shadow passers. We move among them without being seen and our shadow's never showed up. We were shadows. He wore a similar outfit, he was born into it also. His pants were not skin tight, but loose, and his tanktop was not a skinny strap, but a whitebeater, only black. I always wore pants and some sort of longer sleeved shirt. He wears the pants into public sometimes, but rarely. He usually wears even looser pants over it and a T-shirt. I've been moving from foster home to foster home, he was also. This was the first time we have seen eachother in a few years. We usually end up in differnt states. This time, we finally were close enough to be our shadow forms and move amoung the other shadows to see eachother. Being shadow passers, we were able to communicate through our minds. It helped, alot. The girl was also in the area and he covineced her to our side. She was now our spy. But I feel as if she's telling us the wrong information and telling her side, the beasts, is my name for them, all our information. Their not exactly shadow passers, but almost the exact opposite. They move with the sunlight. They get their power from it. They were the same otherwise. Same clothes, their's just arn't black, but white. They were out to get us, for a no good reason. Centries ago, our kind would rule over their kind, or something. For reasons I don't care about. But they would rule, and the regular people never knew about a whole different 'race', if you'd call us that. And the shadows always keep secret, knowing we could overpower the beast, or their regular names, the 'sun passers' are what they call themselves. Like I said, were almsot exactly alike, but colors and names, and of corse, what gives us power. But one day, the sun passrs almost gave up our secret, and we didn'e want our covor blown. So we let them rule. They admitted they didn't want their cover blown either so we decieded that neither will try to over power. Then, hundreds of years later, they just started to wage war on us.
"Darling? Are you in there?" I hear my foster mom ask. I slip into bed quietly and pretened I fell asleep with the light on.
"Huh?" I ask sleepily.
"Huney, you left your light on. You'll cost us a fortune silly! I'm sorry if I woke you, just wanted to know why your light was on at 3 oclock in the morning." She smiled sweetly.
"Why are you up?" I ask.
"I needed to stop by the restroom and get a quick sip of water." She said inoccently.
"O, can I go back to bed now?" I ask tiredly.
"Of corse, deary, good night. Sweet Dreams." She smiled and walked back to her bedroom. She had big almond eyes, and light brown hair. She was short, and skinny, and always talking to me like I was 4. She was always to innocent. I've never heard her utter a single swear word in the untire time I've been here. About a year now, and it was sickaning. I never liked her as much as my foster dad. In my mind, that's how I pictured my real dad. He was 6ft 4 and buff. He was in the military and was always laughing. He had slight wrinkles around his blue eyes, from smiling. He had short brown hair. He drove a motorcyle and wasn't afriad to speak his mind, or swear as a matter of fact. I looekd up to him. I really did.
I turn my light off and crawl into bed, thinking. About what, I can't specify. I slowly drift into a much needed sleep. I awake the next morning refreshed. I hated the day coming though.
Schoool. I'm a shadow passer, do you know how hard it is to try to go to school as one? For one, I can't go into direct sunlight, it makes me weak, and I could possibly faint if I stay in it long enough. And, I can't go into sun because I don't give off a shadow. If someone touches me, they get colder, for I am a shadow myself. My brain works different, I was made for action and figting, not sitting in a cramped classroom, so I move alot. I have great reflexs and is always catching things for people when they drop them. It gives me something to do. And you can imagine the looks your always getting when your pale as paper and dress in a lot of black. I also wear a lot of make up to make sure people don't try to look in my eyes. They look at make-up and the bright red lipstick. My black hair goes down to my lower back and I never do anythign to it but brush it, and of corse wash it. It is natureally pin-straight. I get up out of my bed ruluclenting and put on a skin tight black thick strapped tanktop that has a laces up the front, like a backward corcet. I put on black skinny jeans, easier to move in, and brush my hiar. I put my knife in my black boots. Perfect. I sit down and do my make-up around my weird eyes. They're electric bright green and have black lighting shaped scars through the iris and pupil. I put on my eye liner and my bright red lipstick on. My teeth look even whiter against the red. I grab my schoolbag and put it on my back.
"Good Morning sweetness." My foster dad smiles at me as I walk down the stairs.
"Good Morning." I smile. My foster mom eyes me up,"I wish you would wear something other then that godawful black."
"Honey, I know you don't like it, but she can pull it off, and it's her taste that counts." My foster dad steps in. I can't help but smile.
"I'm sorry, it's a long story of why I wear black mom, but I'm almost positive I ani't going to change my fashion."
"Okay dear, have fun at school!" She calls as I walk out the door after they both get a kiss on the cheek. Ugh, even for dad, I'm not the kissing sweetheart girl, I only do it to make them happy. I wipe my lips and walk on the edge of the sidewalk, where the shade is. I move faster there. I make it to school and have to step through the light to get across the road. Damn. I book it, I make it into the school and feel some of my life come back. People are passing by me and I make it to a corner. I pull out the books I need for my first few classes and start to walk toward my locker. I get there and put my books back, and turn around and standing with one hand against the locker next to me and his face next to mine is a sunpasser. I can tell by his eyes, there the same as mine only blue.
"Hey, shady."
"Hey sunny."
"Are you happy someones acually talking to you?" He says with a smirk.
I roll my eyes and spit on him. I walk away. He grabbed my arm and pulled me close.
"Do you wana make a sceen in the middle of the hallway." I say under my breath, my head is next to his chest, and his head is over mine, and I'm close enough to fell his blood pulse through his veins.
"Mabey I do, babe."
"Don't call me babe, you know it won't turn out well." I mutter
"Mabey that's what I want. I feel you,"He says as he tightens his grip on my arms. "You want to fight, to break away-"
"Shut up." I growl.
"You want to be wanted, Heather."
"I don't want shit from you."
"No, not from me specificly, from anyone."
"Can I ask you a question."
"Of corse."
"Why are your people trying to kill off our people?"
"What?" He says, stricken back. I don't know why but there I snapped.
"WHY ARE YOUR PEOPLE TRYING TO KILL OURS!?" I cry I leapt from his arms and took a few steps back."You wanted to make a sence, here ya go Sunny! People are watching us now! Now, answer my question." I demand.
"Becuase your people were killing ours!"
"No we weren't! Were we minding our damn business! Then your 'leader' killed ours out of nowhere. Now, can

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