» Adventure » The After Life, HANELROKS [funny books to read txt] 📗

Book online «The After Life, HANELROKS [funny books to read txt] 📗». Author HANELROKS

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Charlotte Montgomery moved her hair to her left side, which was covering her right eye. She turned to the left and looked at her boyfriend smiling at her she smiled back with happiness looking at him. “Did you know something about you and your eyes.” John Alternate said as he looked at her when he stopped the car into a red light. “No. I don’t.” Charlotte said feeling the wind in her face looking at Johns face. “You have such a beautiful smile that can every day make me happy just by once seeing your smile. You have those beautiful lips I can kiss all day without taking a breath and you have the most nicest laugh I can hear and I am happy with you and I can die with you and that sunset that we always see when we are together reminds me of the color of your eyes and I just want to tell you one last word I Love You with all my heart.” John said sweetly and kind looking at her with confident and she knew that he wasn’t telling lies. “John I Love you as much as you love me. I will die for you.” Charlotte said looking at him sweetly and smiling nicely.  John leaned and kissed her passionately and feeling her lips kissing back. John and suddenly a car’s horn beeped he stopped kissing Charlotte and rushed quickly and continued to drive. 
John drove too fast which worried Charlotte sickly. “John slow down.” She commanded. She was now afraid that she was going to get into a car crash but John didn’t listen to her all he wanted was to arrive into the concert of his and Charlotte’s favorite band. “Charlotte I can’t we are going to be late.” John said driving a little faster. He looked at the clock and saw that the concert was going to start at 7:00 o’clock in the night and it was 6:50 and they were only 10 blocks away.  He speeded up even more up to 80 miles per hour. Charlotte twisted her hand towards and facing and looking at John and said terrified “John I think you should slow down.” When she least expected it she looked in the front of the car to find herself with John and a truck going to crash. “John!” She scram loudly but it was too late they already crashed and there was nothing that she could of done she closed her eyes with blurriness feeling blood drop by her neck.
10 H O U R S L A T E R  
Charlotte opened her eyes slowly and softly seeing her parents smiling at her but also with an expression in their face that she knew said good news and bad news. “Mom.” She said looking round. “Where am I?” She asked. “Is John here?” She continued asking.
Mrs. Montgomery put her hand on top of hers and smiled but that smile said bad news that’s all she knew. “ My little Charlotte you are in the hospital and John isn’t alive you made it alive but he didn’t, he died a huge window crystal piece went thru his heart and he died.” Mrs. Montgomery said with a sad look knowing that the person that her daughter loved was dead and wasn’t here with her. Tears suddenly started to drop out of Charlotte’s eyes as she started to lean to give her mom a hug. “Oh sweetie, come here.” Mrs. Montgomery said giving Charlotte a hug.
2 H O U R S L A T E R
John if you are out there and if you are heaven know that I will always love you with all my heart you will always be and never will I let someone replace you and fall in love with someone else I love you with all my heart
Charlotte wrote and a piece of paper every time that she was hurt or sad instead of cutting her veins like any other teenager she got a paper and started to write her feelings down in that small piece of paper and all those word came from her heart. She heard a knock on the door and quickly twisted her paper. “Come in.” She said.  Ashley Lens the most populist girl in her high school opened the door. “ Ashley.” She said with shock. “Hi.” Ashley said closing the door and walking towards her to sit down. “Charlotte I have big news for you.” Ashley said sitting down in the hospital bed. “What are those news.” Charlotte said moving her leg slowly. “John is back.” 
“What?” Charlotte said with shock.

Charlotte Montgomery walked downstairs seeing her mother cook breakfast and her Dad sitting on the table. “Mom did you record 7 Channel News I think they were going to give some good news.” Charlotte said even though she was depressed and upset because of John she still didn’t want to get her parents concerned about her feelings. “ Yes, sweetie. It’s already been recorded and there is a very important news right now.” Mrs. Montgomery said cleaning her hands that were filled with water from the sink with a paper towel. “Alright, Mom. Good morning Dad.” Charlotte said getting the remote from the TV.  She turned on the TV and the TV showed a little box on the right corner that showed a picture of an angel with black wings but the picture was very blurry but the face showed everything. Charlotte suddenly opened her eyes lively and looked at the picture it transformed in to John. “That’s John.” She whispered very low she was happy he was an angel but her smile faded away when she heard the reporter saying: “Last night someone was killed with an arrow and in the arrow it said ‘KRAD SLEGNA’ who know what that meant but this will lead us to another clue this whole week there has been 3 people murdered because of the same thing arrows and now back to you Rick.” The reporter said. Charlotte got her dad pancake and ate a piece of it she turned off the TV and walked out of the door running.
Ashley Baker combed her hair in front of the mirror who had the reflection of her bed and window.  She heard a knock on the window and turned around she got up with fear holding the comb. She looked at the window and saw Charlotte waving her hands. Ashley opened the window and said, “What are you doing here?”
“I’m sorry but I have to ask you something about John. Now open the door more so I can enter.” Charlotte commanded. Ashley opened the door more and let Charlotte enter. “This is all I know he is alive and I saw him with my own eyes. He isn’t an angel that’s all I can tell you and he is this,” Ashley stopped and looked for a paper and a pen and on the paper she wrote a braille code and gave it to Charlotte.
“What is this?” Charlotte asked folding the note that showed the braille code. “Just look up braille codes in the internet and you will soon find out what it means. Now please I ask for you to get out of my room so I can ” Ashley said opening the window. Charlotte ran and got out of Ashley’s room.
Charlotte jogged slowly with her mind filled with so many questions on everything it was just like a little movie stuck in her head. First, it was a clip of John’s death. The second clip, it was about when Ashley told her that John was alive. The third was when she saw the news and, the last one was the braille code she was dying to know what it said but she wasn’t sure. She stopped running for 2 minutes and sat down in the bench that there was always in Aniston Lancers Park She sat there and drank water then she continued running.
Charlotte ran and ran and bumped with a person she didn’t know who it was but wanted to know whom she bumped into. “Oh I’m sorry.” Charlotte said getting up from the floor when she looked up it was a girl with black hair and dark brown eyes. “No, No I’m sorry. Hi I’m Arizona, Arizona Lancewood.” Arizona said as she looked at her and gave her a hand. “Hi I’m Charlotte Montgomery.” Charlotte said not trying to give to many details about her life. “ Oh sorry it was my fault I am kind of clumsy sometimes and I’m trying to find this small little Cafe.” Arizona paused and gave her a paper with an address on it. Charlotte read it and gave it to her again. “Its somewhere around... there.” Charlotte said looking around and when she found out she pointed to the small cafe, which was Apple Bombs Cafe. “Thank you.” Arizona said walking away. Charlotte looked back. “Your welcome.” She said waving her hands and then continued running.
Charlotte opened the front door to her house hearing music from her iPod she suddenly starts hearing her mom and dad screaming. Charlotte took off her headphones and stayed in the same spot and started to hear her parents arguing but she didn’t know what about all she heard was her Mom screaming “You cheated on me and now your breaking this family apart.” Then she heard her Dad screaming, “I never did anything why can’t you believe me.”
“Because I don’t.” Mrs. Montgomery walked out of the kitchen room and went to the living room that was where Charlotte was hearing everything. “Mom, are you and dad splitting up?” Charlotte asked her mother. “If we do which might happen next week I promise I will take care of you.” Mrs. Montgomery said trying to make her daughter better but she knew that it wouldn’t work. When Charlotte saw her mom walk away she walked to the kitchen to find her father sitting in the table with his head down and his jacket covering his face all she thought was ‘Oh daddy must of have fallen sleep’ but honestly he was thinking and thinking about his family’s life and what was he going to do with himself.
Charlotte got a cup out of the cabin and got Strawberry Ice Cream seriously she needed one she was exhausted from running and just wanted to cool herself down. She got the cup and took it upstairs with her and to find out what was the braille code.
Charlotte grabbed her laptop and looked up ‘the braille codes’ in a website which was to search everything when she was done looking up the braille codes she wrote on her journal.
‘MURDER’ She whispered as she read from the paper.
Arizona closed the cabinets and got a cup and put on the plateau she turned around and saw Elizabeth Rosen.

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