» Adventure » Spirit Guardians, Pinky 1500 [carter reed TXT] 📗

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Abusy morning in the Matsumoto family

A Busy Morning
A Chapter by ***Anime lover**

Rin woke up early on a Monday morning to fussing and the sound of people running around, he yawned and ran his hands though his hair, he could never get a break in this house hold. He soon got up and brushed his teeth and brushed his brown hair, then he changed out of his pj's and threw on a green shirt and his favorite brown jacket with his brown jeans, usually he would wear black jeans but today he deiced to make a change. Rin was about to step out side but his two spirits, Kasumi and Katio floated above him with huge smiles.

"Good morning, Rin" ,they both said together .

Rin spirits were both twins, they both looked human except for their cat ears,tails,fangs and glowing yellow eyes, okay I take that back their nothing human like about these two, the thing with these two is their ability is the element fire and they love to play pranks around the house like their about to now just watch.

"Good morning,Kasumi and Kaito", I said as i reached for the door and a huge bucket of freezing water came down on me. As the water poured on me my face went red, after the waterfall of water stop, I turned around fast started to slap the air looking dumb as my bed room door opened.

"Rin why are you soak and wet", questioned his brother Kumari as he raised an eye brow, "any ways mom said harry up and come down stairs so you came eat your breakfast and clean the shrine",he said as he turned to leave.

"Great', said Rin "now I gotta dry off and throw on some clothes", he said as he grabbed a gray towel and began to dry his hair first then work his way down. Kasumi and Kaito giggled as they floated into another room. When Rin was done his clock read five fifth teen, he than ran down stairs where he found his brothers and sisters sitting down enjoying breakfast as his father helped his mother set the table.
Rin rushed to his seat and started to pack his plate.

"Someone over slept", said Hayata as she rolled her eyes.

"I didn't over sleep ,I just had to...", said Rin.

"He peed on him self",said Kumari, as he brushed back his long red hair

"Rin aren't you to old to be doing that",asked Kiyoshi?

"Yeah I mean what are you going to do when you get a girlfriend",said Shun as he pointed towards him.

"You guys leave Rin alone "said Tanaka, as she whisperer into Rin's ear "it'ts okay you'll all ways have big sister",she said as she hugged him.

"Hey Yumi help me out here ", he said as he looked at Yumi ,she had her glasses on reading.

Geez what a morning thought Rin as his parents sat down , they then prayed.

"Thank you for the food", yelled everyone before they started to dig in.

After eating Rin went out side to clean the Shine, in the shine were seven spirits, Teizo, kasumi &Kaito,Chiyzo, Kimkio, Namio and Kei, together they are our family great spirits. Rin walked inside the huge shine and ran to a rack and pulled out a rag and a bucket, he then walked back out to fill the bucket then he came back in and started to scrub all around the inside and the outside of the shine until his hands fell asleep. After he finished he put everything back where it was, then he ran back into his house to grab his back pack. Rin then rushed to catch up with Kumori, Yumi, and Hayata. When caught up with them he heard Kumori fussing with Yumi again.

Those two all ways fight but no one knows why, well you might be saying to your self well that's what brother and sisters do but your wrong when these two fuss it turns into a magic spell battle since Yumi isn't a spirit user.

The walk to school was very long and loud until,one of Kumori's friends walked up to us.

"What's up Matsumoto siblings", said Kenta doing some weird hand signals.

Kenta was a weird kid , he had been friends with Kumori since fifth grade after Kumori beat him up for stealing his animal crackers, Kenta was a short boy with blonde hair and blue eyes, he was kind of a jock I guess you could say.

"Nothing",said Kumori as he rolled his eyes and whispered something to Kenta that made him laugh.

The two then started to walk far way form us into the distance leaving , Hayata , Yumi and me alone to walk in silents. I was so glad to get to school , I ran so fast I got a cramp in my leg to catch up with my two best friends.

"Hey ya Rin", said Risa as she ran to hug me.

"Hey', said Rin with a Huge smile

"Stop drooling it gross", said Shouta walking over to them.

The bell than rung and Rin and his friends ran inside to get to class

School's no fun without spirits

Rin arrived at his first block which was Math, he hated math more than anything in the world. Rin quickly took his seat on the right to the second row third seat and sat down; he laid his head down and fell asleep till he heard his teacher voice Mr. Katsuya walked in, he was a young teacher with black hair and gray eyes with glasses.

“Ahh, Mr. Matsumoto sit up please and while you’re at it answer problem number fourteen for us please”, said Mr.Katsuya smiling innocently.

Rin got up out of his teacher and passed by rows of kids on his way to the chalk board, he looked at the problem for a second and solved it without any trouble, he then went to his sat and sat down.

“Very good Mr. Matsumoto, but please try not to get bored during my class”, said Mr. Katsuya as he walked up to the board to start the class daily lesson.

When the bell rung Rin didn’t waste any time to get out of the door, he then walked to his Art class which he enjoyed. Shouta moved his books off of the desk near his as Rin made his way.

“How was first block”, asked Shouta as he dropped his pencil on his desk.

Rin looked at shouta”man why is your hair pulled back in a ponytail and second it was okay “, he said.

Shouta , gave Rin a fuck off look, as he ran his hands threw his purple hair.

When class started they had the choice to draw anything they wanted, Rin choose to draw a dragon by a waterfall, it can out really good. By time the class ended Rin had almost finished his drawing. Rin got up to go to lunch.
“What’s with the long face”, said Kasumi as he floated above Rin’s head.
“Maybe he’s sad that there hasn’t been any fun today”, said Katio as he lend on to Rin’s shoulder.

Rin sighed and kept walking till he got chills down his spine, he then smiled “party time “,said Rin excited ,he then ran up stairs to the roof top.
Kasumi stood near Rin with his eyes closed as he pointed in a direction towards the city, where the spirit was lingering, Kaito bite into a capsule ,that Rin'ss grandfather had made to help their spirits not fall into the dark oral that the drak spirits had ,so they would also turn into dark spirits.They then jumped down the roof after Rin spoke a spell to seal the school in a barre. Kasumi, Katio and Rin made their way to the city where they found Kumori and his spirit Teizo fight a spirit wrapped in black screaming something about revange.
Teizo stepped forward as his white hair and his kimono blew in the wind, he then grabbed a hold of the spirit as Kumori spoke spell words softly “Evil spirit I release you form the pain and suffering now pass on to the afterlife”, after Kumori spoke those words the spirit turned from black to a bright light, and a little girl appeared before us.
“Thank you “, said the little girl as she went into the light.

“Geez Teizo you could have left us some fun”, said Katio and Kasumi together as they frowned.

“Pff it’s not my fault your slow “, said Tezio as he crossed his arms.

“Awe you don’t have to be some mean to us”, said Kasumi as he floated above Tezio’s head.

“Yeah what did we ever do to you”, asked Katio as he shook his head.

“You existing is what makes me angry”, said Tezio as he became to pull out his umbrella, but it was an epic fell because it wasn't on him.
“Looking for something”, asked Kaito?
“You fucking twins “, said Tezio as he reached for his umbrella form Kusumi .
Kumori sighed as Rin and he left the three annoying spirits to play.
“Kumori don’t leave me with these devils”, said Tezio as he saw Kumori and Rin leaving.

When Rin and Kumori returned to school their lunch break was over and they headed to their fourth block class.

After fourth block Rin walked fast before anyone could talk to him. When passed through the the school vanilla doors the sun shined brightly in his eyes blinding him.

"Naya , naya Rin can't you just skip school tomorrow",said Kaito as he floated above with a sad face.

"Hhh how may times do I have to tell you Kaito to stop appearing out of no where and no I can't skip school, said Rin as he sighed and blocked his eyes from the sun.

Rin then looked for Kasumi but he was no where to be found, then he turned back around to face Katio with his eye brews raised.

"Don't look at me I'm not up to anything", said Katio as he raised his hands up in defense.

Rin was about to say something till he heard a scream.

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