» Adventure » The She-Wolf, Googlegirl [the best books of all time txt] 📗

Book online «The She-Wolf, Googlegirl [the best books of all time txt] 📗». Author Googlegirl

A large masculine and a rather slender medium sized enchantress paded side by side, two pups trailed behind them and behind the two pups slowly truded two other pairs with one pup, a small lad, about five months old. But out way in front of them in front of the first pair of wolves... a big black bruje wolf peered down at them from a bolder, a grin upon his visage. He stood tall and proud in front of his small pack soon he hoped it would become bigger....
A year had passed, the three pups now yearlings.
Huria: "Bombey! Come on we need to head back to the others before night is upon us! You too hurry up Rohon!!!!" The three yearlings were racing back home from there daily practice of hunting and fighting. In front, Huria, she was a deep brown pelted hellion. She was the most clever of them and the fastest. She may not be the strongest but she already proved that she could make up for it. Bombey was a light gray mascu. He was not as fast but he sure was tall with broad sholders and he was pretty heavy already. Rohon was a fiery red pelted demon. He is a medium sized yearling. He was smart, strong, and brave, but was a little on the slow side. Rohon: "Im coming!" he barked rolling his orbs at the vixen's impatience. Soon they arrived, all lolling out their tongues and gasping for air. Shadow, the Alpha of the small pack, trotted over to them greeting them all with a slight wave of his plume. Shadow: "so how was practice for you today?" the brute said in a calming voice. Huria was the first to answer. Huria: "If you call running from a stampede then catching a small calf and almost being smooshed by Bombey is ok then it went horrible!!!!" she spat glaring at Bombey as she spoke. Bombey: "Well sorry! That stupid bull elk almost crushed me!!!" Rohon: "Oh shut it the both of you." he snaped as he finally caught his breath. "Its no ones fault but our own for charging the herd in stead of stalking into it hidden. If you two would have just listened to me maybe we could of caught that injured cow." finishing up what he had to say he trotted off into the den to sleep. Three days had passed from then... a horrible thing had now accured... the pack fighting against intruders. Shadow clamped his jowls around a big white mascu's tassle and flung him into a tree only three feet away. The wolf scrabbled to its pads launching off at the alpha but Shadow was to strong for him. Shadow grabbed the wolf's upper throat choking him and shredded into the jugular then tossed the lifeless bodice to the techra. A Dark redish gray figure, spark the dad of Bombey and Rohon, slammed up against one of the intruders, a tan hellion. The hellion grabed Spark's nape dragging the mascu with her. As Spark was fighting off the tan hellion, his mate Starlight was slashing and snapping at small bruje. Huria's mother Draft (mom) and Ninook (dad)fought off a huge jet black mascu. Huria, Bombey, and Rohon fought together against a Demoness out numbering their foe and chasing her off then rushed back to the others.
They rushed over to the tan hellion to help Spark clamping on to the hinds and fores disabling her pillars. Then they tore into the stomach showing vital organs then stepped back to see the intruder dead. Spar and the yearlings twisted around to see Shadow, Draft, and Ninook being tossed away by that huge black mascu. Huria, now pissed, charged at the wolf zig zaging toward him then sprang up into the air and landed on its back. Huria latched onto his nape keeping a tight grip and shredded into it. As the intruder was destracted, Shadow lunged forward grabbing its hind and dug into it making the heshian yowling in pain. Shadow moved to the kyle(stomach) and clawed it furosiously and clamped his jowls around a loose chunk of flesh and ripped it off. The black wolf snarled as Shadow ripped into the flesh. The wolf grabbed hold of Shadow's banner and tossed him. After Starlight had defeated the young wolf and sent him bolting far away, the femme rushed over to Shadow's side and glanced at the last intruder snarling. Draft, Spark, and Ninook joined in snarling at the huge masculine cornering it by a tree. Huria, who while Shadow was fighting leaped off of the brute, teamed up with Rohon and Bombey and circled in around the back snaping and growling and slashing up dust. All together, the pack leaped at the wolf and eventually ripped its corpse in pieces. Shadow was wounded, Starlight bruised, Ninook's left fore leg was bloody, Huria was unharmed, Rohon and Bombey too, Draft's ear was partially torn, Spark's stomach was slightly bleeding. All were ok but the only ones truely able to function properly, were the yearlings and Shadow. Shadow: Huria, Rohon, and Bombey. You were all brave to help fighting them off."
Rohon: "Thanks! we all did what we practiced and defeated them as a team. But I think Huria gets the credit this time." Huria lifted her apex up high and puffed out her chest proudly at Rohon's compliment. Shadow nodded at Rohon.
Shadow: "You three need to go hunting. Draft and I shall stay here and get rid of the bodies." They nodded to Shadow and twisted around into the forest. Huria quickly took the lead following a trail of Bison.
Huria: "Just a little further now"
Bombey: "What a fight! Who where those wolves anyways? They didnt fight like a real pack. They didn't even work together!"
Rohon: "I don't know who they where... But that doesn't matter we are all alive and that's that."
Huria: "shh! We're here."
Quickly,they crouched down flattening themselves against the terrace. Huria pointed out a small diseased buffalo far off from the rest of the herd.
Huria: "that should be anough to feed them then we'll hunt for ourselves."
Slowly they stalked towards it making no sound or hint that they were there. Huria lunged in the air soaring and landing on the buffalo's back. Using her apendages, Huria scraped the bison's side and shredded the skin. She grabed the nape of her victim and tore into it. While Huria had the bison's attention, Rohon and Bombey slowly approached it and when they where behind it they latched their jowls around the two hind pedistals of the prey and riped into the muscle. The buffalo fell off balance. Huria quickly leaped off twisting in mid air and as soon as she landed, Rohon and Bombey joined her and the three launched them selves at the fallen bison. Rohon got the lower stomach. Bombey got the chest. And Huria had its throat. Slowly the beast died as the demoness ripped out its jugular. The three wolves let out a howl, Rohon and Bombey following Huria's lead. A few minutes past and soon Shadow, Draft, Ninook, and Starlight came out of the clearing pading over to the kill. Instead of hunting for something for themselves, the three yearlings ate with the rest of them. They had all rested for a few days when out of the blue Shadow had summoned for Huria.
Shadow: "Huria, I have a mission for you..."
Huria: "Yes? what is it?
Shadow: "Our pack is weak and we wont be able to last long.... You must find as many wolves possible and bring them to join the pack."
Huria: "What if i run into some of those wolves from before? I mean the ones we let escape?"
Shadow: "You and the other two have proven your strength. And you have proven leadership. You will lead the others to the Southern forest, 'Friningeau' where your mother, Draft, was born." Huria nodded.
Huria: i will set off tonight during the full moon." Shadow met her gaze then turned and headed off. Huria turned around and trotted excidedly over to Rohon and whispered in his audits what shadow had just told her. Rohon screeched out a joyous 'YES!!!' leaping up in the air landing back down and prancing around Huria proudly and happy that he and his brother would be helping her on their first mission. They pranced side by side now, heading over to Bombey and told him exactly what Shadow had said. Bombey screamed out 'WOOPY!!!'. After an hour of preparing for the journey, the three wolves padded out of their territory toward the enchanted forest. When they reached Friningeau, they stared in awe at the gorgeous site a small waterfall and lush vegetation. They pricked they're ears at sound coming from the tall grass beside them. A small wolf stepped out growling. Huria stepped in front of her friend fur prickled up curling back her lips to reveal her long sharp blood stained ivories baring them. The wolf stopped abruptly and cowered down looking up frightened. Huria sat down, covering up her canines, and looked calmly at the nine month old pup.
Huria: speaking in a soft loving voice she said "What is your name?"
Streak: " Streakinvision but you can call me Streak...." he murmured in a shaking tone.
Huria: "Well im Huria and this is Bombey and Rohon. Why don't you join us Streak? I mean not to affend you, but you can't really defend yourself." The rogue nodded.
Streak: "I'll join you guys i guess."

~ Still to be edited to finish. ~


Text: Do not take any pictures or writings from book, ideas formed from the book is ok but no more than so.
Publication Date: 12-07-2010

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Dedicated to Wolf Lovers

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