The Angels Silence, Jacob William Stewart [sight word readers .txt] 📗

- Author: Jacob William Stewart
Book online «The Angels Silence, Jacob William Stewart [sight word readers .txt] 📗». Author Jacob William Stewart
Chapter 1: Angel's Fight
Angel Gabriel looked down on the world and knew that man was
now a un-whole race. He turned around to see no less than a man in a
trench coat face covered and un-seen.
“Man is un-wholly and the world should be treated better,” Gabriel
continued, “All the streams are mucked and the parries cut. The world is
to be chosen by better people not these savages who say there human.”
“I get where your coming from we have been up here so long and no
peace has come to the people down there,” the hooded man replied,
“Sickness and even death was brought to them but I know they can
The hooded man leaned close to the edge and looked down. There
were people walking and you could see the smog coming up from thecities. There were the rivers filled with muck and all the trees being cut
“It has been 2550 years since god sent down his sun these humans
still don’t get the fact that he sent him down to help and that only lasted
1200 years,” Gabriel said as his giant wings expanded.
“I know these things even you alone can stop it we are not allowed
on earth for another 450 years,” the hooded man replied as he took the
hood off, ”We are not allowed on earth until 3000 years after the
sentenced son.”
Gabriel looked to them man “Yes I see Michael; you believe these
people can grow from the turmoil they live in and become holy. You make
me laugh.”
Michael turned away and was walking toward a bright light this light
was not like a normal one. It was a light that people talk about when they
die. Soon he disappeared. Gabriel was not impressed as he turned and
stared at the world and knew that some day he would be down there
ready for the fight.
Michael was now in the high court’s and was sure enough that if he
had to do anything to stop Gabriel it would be now. They had been such
good friends but seeing his friend in the dumps and turned to pure evil
with the death to humanity. Turning a man in a white robe turned and
“I know that you Michael want the best for Gabriel but it is his
choice to see whether his hate is towards humanity or the real enemy.”
“Your great majesty he must be stopped and brought to our side for
no man or angel can stand to be in that kind of hate,” Michael said to the
robed man.
“Soon you two will be the only ones who can stop earth from dying
and even heaven from being sentenced to evil,” the robed man said as he
faded into the deep nothingness.Michael thought about what would happened keeping the thought in
mind Gabriel came from the bright light.
“Michael follow me we have been brothers since birth and I know
that you and I can bring the worlds up.”
“No all you want to do is bring down the human race but I know
there is still good in them,” Michael exclaimed as he withdrew his sword.
“Fine if you won’t help me then you’re an enemy so face my
Both angels flew into the air with swords in hand. They were
colliding left and right sparks flying and blood being shed. All you could
tell were that two angels were brutally attacking each other for what
would be the safety of earth. Soon both could not move and were un-able
to move for they were worn and tired. Both hearts racing as they could
not move. Michael eyes Gabriel and stares down him as he stands and
walks toward him.
“If you cannot simply beat me then how do you expect to be able to
beat an entire race,” Michael says as he looks down on Gabriel.
“You were right brother I am not ready but some day I will do not
expect me to hold back when we meet again,” Gabriel said as he jumped
into the light and was gone.
What neither of them knew was that soon they would have to unite
to bring peace to both earth and heaven. Yet soon they would have to do
this. Now Gabriel is nowhere to be seen and Michael continues to keep
balance but what neither knew was that a great evil will bring an army
that not even all the angels could defeat.
Chapter 2: 450 Years Later
After 450 years of the UN-know on both heaven and earth all angels
were in panic. The whereabouts of Gabriel were unknown and all was to
come to turmoil. Back down on earth things where good but one man
was sure to make all these things wrong. This man was named Neil Kerlin
a semi-tall man with a five o’clock shadow. He had a normal schedule
every day at 5 am he was across Elm’s Street staring at the bright bring
up clock just watching then once it struck twelve he was down on a
bench in grand central station. You may ask what he does this for. Well all
these places have angel statues some or pictures somewhere near them
he studies them so soon when the day comes he can kill them. But for
now he will just have to stick to spitballing them.
“Ha take that Gabriel right in the eye. Yeah!” Neil said to himself. A
man near Neil asked “Sir would you please stop me and my family are
trying to appreciate the art work.”
“O, you appreciate these losers well I’d like to see them jump off
the wall and stop me,” Neil yelled in their face.
They walked away as he just stared them down as they walked all
the way down to the other side of the street. So as soon as they were out
of site he walked away from Grand Central Station. Yet no one could tell
where he lived as we all could tell that his cloths showed he lived in a
The next day he had his same schedule but another person decided
to do it with him. A man in a black trench coat following him step by step
just acted what today we call creepy. Soon on the way to Grand Central
Station there was a sudden chill and all was quiet and still the man in the
hood walked up to Neil and asked
“So you hate the Angels and think they disserve to die just as much as I
Neil turned to the man and said “Who are you?”“I am the man who knows how you can destroy those angels.”
Neil was questioning though somewhere in his mind he knew he
could trust him, “Ok, so you say you can help me but I don’t even know
your name.”
“My name I have many but none more famous than three, Lucifer,
Satin, or The devil.” Satin said.
“My lord you have been in the ground for so long I’ve been at your
knees the whole way but meer I am just a small poor peasant with not as
much strength as you,” Neil said as he was on his knees eating the
Satin looked up at the sky and said “That star is the place where all
angels meet in 2 days for the day they may return and become part of
“Now I know my assignment but how will I be brought up there.”
Satin said to kneel and Neil did so. As the moon came into the sky a
ring appeared around Neil.
Publication Date: 05-05-2011
All Rights Reserved
Dedicated To: The People I love
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