Mercenaries, Shelby A Bobbert [pdf e book reader TXT] π

- Author: Shelby A Bobbert
Book online Β«Mercenaries, Shelby A Bobbert [pdf e book reader TXT] πΒ». Author Shelby A Bobbert
Powerful wind swayed even the mightiest of trees as lightning crashed and thunder boomed in the skys above, Down below chaos reigns as several figures run through the forest.Scream's and wails thicken the air just about as much as the icy ran pelting then.In the middle of the anguish a small male child runs into a clearing.What he saw mortified him. Large shadow black beasts with narrow snouts,long limbs,and bloody red eyes ripping in to the people around him.NO! Looking around he saw heart breaking sights.Such as mothers shielding there young but only succeeding in being torn to shreds themselves. He was then attacked without warning taken by surprise when he felt sharp fangs like jagged daggers sink in to the back of his neck.He shrieked as he was lifted up and thrashed around violently.His heart thumped in fear.He knows he's going to die.Help....somebody.....P-PLEASE! his mind cried though his mouth refuse to move.By now the unholy best had dropped him but was fiercely gnawing his flesh.The young male squealed in pain wanting it to be over,he wanted to die so then he could be safe."STAY AWAY FROM MY LITTLE ONE!" His eyes fluttered open to see an older female with dark green eyes thundering toward's him and his attacker.MOMMY! The female slammed into the beast knocking the little one across the bloody clearing.He stood up on wobbly legs. The fresh wound's on the back of his neck stung. He felt weak and hopeless.a"SPARROW!" he turned to see his mother still battleing the bloody monster as several more surrounded her. Then all at once they pounced."MOMMY NOOOO!" He shrieked as he fell to the ground with his eyes strained shut."NONONO!"
"Sparrow.Sparrow honey,wake up!"A soft female voice said as the young boys dark green eyes flew open. His breath was laboured and his heart thumped."Momma!" he squealed as he jump into his mother's embrace and sobbed."Momma....I-I....."he let out yet another wail as he fell back on his animal pelt nest. "G-grace? Is everything okay? another older female asked as she raised her head up from her own bedding."Yes Brook,everything is fine just Poor sparrow having another shadow dream." his mother responded as she patted her sons back."Yeah,it happens EVERY night." A small female young one groaned as she flip on her back anciently kicking her brother in the head."Hey!"A black haired boy squealed as he turned over to face her."Keep your big stinky feet on your own nest!" he shrieked as he pounced on his sister.The to rolled around on there bedding eventually crashing into there mother."CECILIA! FISHER!" there mother yelled as her hazel eyes shinned with annoyance."Stop this coon play and act your age!"Sparrow couldn't help but giggle as he watched the two siblings scramble off the mossy floor.He noticed that although Fisher had cold down almost the minute he was corrected Cecilia was different.There was still that gleam in her sightless eyes.Sparrow always though of Cecilia as his best friend very since they were old enough to actually comprehend the world around him.Though she was silly,trouble making,self centered,and even rude at times there are somethings about her that he actually admired.Like for example her blindness,she was born with it and she WILL die with it but she never though of it as negative.She would always show even if she didn't know it all the time how well her scene of hearing and smell were.Also when she found out she was blind she made it plain and clear she didn't want any special treatment and only wanted to pull her own weight as well as being treated like everybody else.As he was lost in thought about his friend he didn't even notice her as she jumped onto his back."Cecilia." he cried in surprise with a hint of joy."This for wakin' me up birdie-boy!"she yelled out as she battered him playfully.He always hate that nickname ever since Cecilia thought it up the day he had just turned on his fifth year and he had asked his mother why he was named after a bird and she replied"well because your so cute and heart warming just like a little bird singing its season of warmth song."Soon after that Cecilia had pop up from her game of possum and began taunting him which soon led to the birth of of his dispised nickname."Oh yeah runt."He responded as he flipped over pinning Cecilia to an empty birthing nest."You think you can beat me? I'm the best Mercenary in all of group alpha!"he said smugly as he made the mistake of releaseing her from his grasp."Oh really?" Sparrow heard her say."Oh really what?" he said turning back to her only to be pinned himself.The two young ones romped and giggled until sparrow stepped onto a fresh buck hide lost his footing and fell."Oof."his stomach smacked the mossy and feathery floor.Cecilia busted out laughing as she purposely fell on top of him.The two shared a long well needed laugh.For now at least it seemed that Sparrow had forgotten his shadow dream. They continued to laugh and wrestle when there innocent coon play disturbed the twin new lives that where actually able to sleep through Sparrow's sleep terrors and Cecilia's harmless ignorance but the laughing had done it.They let out identical cries that filled the nursery,waking up the rest of its inhabitants."Now ya done it." Cecilia said as she sunk behind Sparrow.Tired mumbles of both mothers and and there young filled the semi-large structure.Cecilia's mother grabbed her back to her nest and scolded her while her brother giggled at his sister's misfortune.
Sparrow hung his head in shame awaiting his own punishment which never came. He looked up to see his mother helping Alexa,the mother of the crying brood.i'm the one who needs punishing!Cecilia shouldn't take the heat alone! Sparrow got lost in his thought's of how bad he felt for get his best friend in trouble but not even being scolded himself that he didn't even notice that he was walking backwards right into another mother. He had know idea until he felt himself hump into.He turned round to see the heavily pregnant female looking up at him with bright hazel eyes and a warm smile."IM SO SORRY! he cried as he tumbled over once again onto his back also succeeding in getting the floor moss and feather bedding inside his hide and cotton clothing.He looked up at the expecting female who was still smiling as she offered him her hand."Oh little Sparrow." she started "You should know by now I could never be angry at a clumsy little one such as yourself."
Sparrow tried to work up a smile but had no luck.Jade being the name of the expecting mother could see his unease."What's the matter honey?You still tired?" she asked sitting up in her furry bed.He just stood there not wanting to share his thoughts but he decided it might be best to let it out."It's just that i'm the one who woke Cecilia up and i was the one to continue her coon play that disturbed dawn and dusk."he stopped and turned his gaze to the tiny new lives who had since stopped there weeping and replaced it with the peaceful sounds of suckleing."A-and the worst part is Cecilia was yelled at by her mother but I wasn't,It was almost like i had done nothing wrong but I had!" He felt his eyes water not quite to the point of crying."Sparrow,sweetheart you honestly think being corrected fazes Cecilia anymore then it ever did?" Sparrow couldn't help but smile.It was true whenever she was corrected by her mother or anyone for that matter she just shook it off like rain water on a ducks back."Also even if you didn't wake Dawn and Dusk up they were bound to wake themselves up and cry anyway.My point is new lives cry.When there hungry or whatever." Sparrow and Jade share a small laugh."Glad to see you happy again but i think you should try to rest up for tomorrow,I'm thinking Cecilia will want revenge!" Sparrow got up and snuggled down in to his nest by his mother.Merely moments ago the night torches were put out once again by another older female who's young one was fast asleep. Feeling the warm embrace of sleep capture him once again he buried his head in the soft pelts and drifted into a dreamless sleep.
Text: Author
Editing: Erma Perry
Publication Date: 03-10-2013
All Rights Reserved
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