» Adventure » So Much For 'Best Friends', Shania Taufa [best interesting books to read .txt] 📗

Book online «So Much For 'Best Friends', Shania Taufa [best interesting books to read .txt] 📗». Author Shania Taufa

Chapter 1

“Hmmmm”, I moan as I have to wake up for work, I’m only 16 but I have a full time job as a check-out chick. It’s the only job you can get around here anyway...I roll over and turn my alarm clock off and notice that Kane isn’t here. He must’ve had to go to work early this morning. I am only 16 yrs old, but I have a boyfriend and my own house, my own car, but the thing I hate is getting up at 6 A.M and driving all the way to Dubbo!
I get up, have a shower, get dressed and make myself a coffee. Once I finish my coffee, I grab my car keys and hit the road. It’s 7.15 A.M when I get to the Mall, and I have a smoke before I go in, so I’m not in such a bad mood whilst I’m serving customers. But I guess it doesn’t matter that much, because my boss never gets up me...I’m pretty sure he has a crush on me.I don't know what to do about it but I know for sure Kane would kill him if he found out...

It's now the end of my shift and now I have to drive all the way back to Mendooran...Yay. Today, I served a lot of customers...the Mall was packed...I suppose it's because it's nearly Chrismas...Yay (again).
I was at home at 6.30pm that night and when I went inside, I saw....This is when everything changed... I walked to my room and on the bed was Brenden and my best friend Sophia.
I walked in and threw my book at Kane and successfully hit him in the back of the head. It didn't knock him out, but it made him look up at me...I didn't know what to say then, I just looked at him...Then I finally found my voice and said to him "You bastard! How could you do this to me? After everything I've done for you...And with my best friend?!" "Annaliese, listen...She came on to me it's not my fault..." I knew that was a lie but I had to question Sophia... "Bullshit. Sophia would never do that to me...would you Sophia? Or is he telling the truth? Because I don't know who to believe anymore." "I...I, I don't know," "You don't know? You don't know who came onto who? Tell me the truth, Sophia. I want the truth." "He is partly lying...We've been hooking up since we first met..." " First met?! How could you? I trusted you, Sophia...I trusted both of you and all I get in return is getting stabbed in the back. Get out. Both of you get out." " Annaliese, wait...I can explain" Kane said..."GET OUT!!"

That was the end of that and I was single once more....God I hate being single. well I guess everyone does.
Now what to do? Hmmm...go out and get wasted, call in sick for the next couple days? Dunno. Honestly, I don't know. Well, that's what I chose....I called in sick for the next few days and tonight....tonight, I'm going out to get wasted. Hell yeah!

That night I called up one of my friend Keira, and we went to the waterpark just out of town.
Keira's mum's boyfriend buys us alcohol all the time and he usually gives us the lot but occasionally keeps a couple bottles of wine for himself and Kiera's mum.
Well last night was fun and this morning, I woke with the worst hangover ever; and some guy in my bed. Then I realised that I was naked....and so was he! I groaned and at that exact moment, I regretted it...he woke up and rolled over to face me.
'Oh, for fuck's sake!' i thought, it was one of my school friends: Michael. I looked at him and he smiled at me, so me being polite, I smiled back. What happened next was a bit far, especially since I had a massive hangover, which meant I had a headache and wasn't in a very good mood....he leaned over and kissed my shoulder, then he moved up to my neck and that was a bit too far! But I didn't know what to do....I just froze and didn't move nor say anything...he must have sensed my tension and asked "What's wrong, babe?" He called me babe....on the other hand, I had liked him once; when he first came here. I had liked him for the better part of six months, then Brenden came and we went out, and now here I am: In bed with Michael.
When I found my voice against all my thoughts, "Nothing, just have alot on my mind", I said. I smiled and he kissed me on the forehead, It felt warm....I felt safe and that nothing and no-one could ever touch me. And I realised at that moment, That I love him.

Well, it was almost 12.00PM when we finally got up and had breakfast...Brunch actually. I'm not going to say what happened beforehand...
We were just finishing brunch when my mobile went off, I chaecked it and it was a message from Michael's brother, Hayden. He had sent me a picture of myself at the waterpark from what I was thinking was last night. I had my bikini top on and my short black school shorts...and when I say short, I mean really short...with a bottle of beer in my hand, sticking my tongue out and making a peace sign with my other hand. At the bottom of the picture there was a message syaing: "Hey sexy, hope you're feeling good this morning and had a great time and you remember EVERYTHING". I thought, 'Oh, no, please PLEASE tell me I didn't do anything stupid!'
Michael must have seen my face and asked what I was thinking about this time, and all I could say was "I didn't do anything stupid last night did I?" He laughed and said "Not that I remember...But don't worry, I'll remember everything soon enough". "Yeah, so will I and I have a feeling, I don't want to remember everything."
I had a bit of emphasis on the word 'everything'. Michael just laughed at that.

Well, it was that night that I remembered EVERYTHING that I had done the night before...I had done alot of things that I wish I hadn't. I screwed Michael's brother! My head was spinning, then. I didn't know which brother I should choose, because I screwed both oth them for Fuck's sake! Ahh! Why? Why did I do that!? I hate myself right now.
I thought of all the suicidal ways to kill myself, but I couldn't do any of them...Not to my family. Not to my Friends.

Chapter 2

It's now been three weeks since the brake-up and I'm still single, but I noticed someone looking at me the other night in the pub, but he didn't come say hi so I guess he was just looking. But on the other hand, he was pretty good looking. It didn't really work out when Michael rememebered 'everything'. All him and Hayden done was fight over who deserves me more and I just couldn't take it any longer so I simply told them both to get their act together or none of them get me. they didnt't get their act together, so... I dumped both of them.

Sophia tried to come crawling back to me when Kane ditched her for some slutty chick he met at a bar a week after I threw them out of my house. She tried blaming it all on Brenden. How it was all his fault, he was the one who started the whole thing. I just told her that I had a new best friend. One who doesn't lie to me, one who doesn't stab me in the back, one who doesn't hook up with my boyfriend when I'm not home. And that her name was Keira. The one she hated me being around. For some unknown reason.                                                                                  I guess being single is alright once you get used to it. Having a friend who's always there for you no matter what helps a lot too. And to know that that friend will never stab you in the back.



Text: this book is a dramatic, adventurous, made up story that has no means to offend anyone
Publication Date: 12-18-2011

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