» Adventure » Rise of the Demons, Colby Schinwdt [feel good novels TXT] 📗

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Rise of The Demons
By: Colby Schwindt

Chatpet 1: Our land

Every thing was well in the land of Westridge. Until one day the Demon’s took over. They spread chaos throughout, killing many Humans, Dwarfs, Elfs, Angles, and Slithers. The Demon’s burned our houses down, killed our children, and took our treasures. This is the story of how we fought back.
In the land of Westridge, people were happy. We had everything; wealth, peace, and harmony. My Family were amoung the Elven peoples the people of the trees. Our House is called, “The Tree of War” because I, The Leader of the Elven Army, lived there. My people are known for their archer skills they were the ones that hunted for food. They never missed a shot. They Crafted their bows and arrows out of the finnest wood in the forest and ouf the finest steel in the mines. My people were always happy in the land we lived in.
The Humans, Dwarfs,Angles, Elfs, and Slithers all got along well. We came to peace with one another, we are all friends in the land of Westridge. We are the aliance of Westridge, The creatures of Westridge. Our land is sacred to us, we treat it with respect, we care for it, and in return it supports us with food, animals, shelter, warmth and above all peace.
My Family was a loving family, of the best hunters and gather’s. My people are sacred, they are one of a kind . We live in the forest’s, in tall trees we make our homes. The land I live in was filled with peace and beauty. The hills covered in grass, people getting along , flowing rivers with the clearest water. But there is one thing that was not so good. That would be the demons from the land that is Hell. Every one fled in terror of them, they were of the scariest creatures.
I was called to the Hall of Master’s for a meeting with the lords. The Human Lord is the leader of all that is right, the Dwarf lord is his leader of technoligy, the Angle lord is leader of peace, the Slither lord is leader of wealth, and I, The Elf lord am leader of war. The meeting was called because we all knew that the demons were going to rise. About every 100,000 years the Demons rise to kill all that is living.
“We have two weeks from now to gather as many troops as we can.” The human Lord said.
“My men are prepaird for battle with their bows at hand.” I alleged.
“The War is going to need the Dwarfs technolligy and my men have that.”
“Yes and the angles powers will help defeat the demons.”
“Indeed and the Slithers can help with their crafty sword skills.”
“So everything is set, we set out for war in fourteen days. Bring all the men and weaponry you can, we will need it.”
The next day I went to gather as many Elven archers as I could. My archer’s would kill one demon with every arrow they used. It took me a few days to find all of the recruits but in the end I gathered 25,000 elven archers to battle the demons. I went to my home that night and told my wife and kid, Vladmeir, to go to the town’s underground safety chamber, and take as many other Women and children there as possible. My son refused and said, “ No, I want to battle with you, and defeat the demons.”
“I will not let you die trying to help save our land. Go with your mother and be safe.”
She headed off early that morning around six o’clock and brought all of the other families in the forest with her. I gathered my men at the Archer’s Barracks to equip them with the finest bows and silver tipped arrows. We practiced for many hours. My Elven Archer’s were improoving very much but they needed to get much better if they are going to be able to defeat the Demon lord, Orax. Within the next two days my men were ready to go. We equiped our armor for battle and got rested up for the next day, we march to the Human’s castle.
That morning my army headed off to the Human’s castle. It was a long journey but when we stumbled upon the castle. My Elf’s and I were shocked to see that 25,000 of the finest cavelry were already in battle formation. The castle wall surrounding the human city was atleast 200 ft. tall. I marched in the leader’s room to see the Human lord putting on gold armor and wielding “The Sword of The Creator.” The Finest sword crafted by the creator of this land 2,000,000 years ago.
“How many men have you managed to gather?” said the Human Lord.
“About 25,000 of the finest archers, Sir.”
“That should be good in the battle field. We need as many wariors as we can get.” Quoted the Human lord.
The morning after that we headed to the dwarf town. 15,000 of the greatest machines were ready for battle and 25,000 dwarfs to controll them were on hand. There were hand made guns, Giant wooden Vehicles, Cannons, and other small wooden vehicles with cannons. The Dwarfs were set to go so we slept there for the night and the next day we were headed off again, to the Angle’s forrbidan land.
We marched for what seemed like hours until we came across the land of light, the angles castle. The angles all had staffs at hand at were ready for battle. The angle lord was wearing a white cloak with a hood. In one hand he had equip the “Staff of Spells” and the other hand he had a book of spells. The Angle’s were well equip and ready for war against the demons.
The last palace we headed for was the Slither’s land. 25,000 slithern people were there with the finest swords and finest armor in the land. All together we had around 100,000 warriors and 15,000 dwarfern weapons. I could tell that it was going to be hard to defeat the demons. All of the men set up tents that night to camp out until morning then we are going to head to the forsaken land, the battle ground. I called a meeting with all of the lords.
“What do you think is going to happen on the day of the battle?” I said.
“Hopefully we have enough troops to conquer the demons, but who knows maybe they have gotten stronger since the last battle.” The human lord called out.
“ With the new dwarfern technoligy we should be able to defeat the demons.” alleged the dwarf lord.
“ Yeah that’s true. Lets just get some sleep then tomorrow head to the forsaken land.”
The next morning we gatherd up all the equipment and headed to the forsaken ground. It took the troops four days to reach the forsaken land but tomorrow was the day of the great battle against good and evil. We set up camp that night and kept guards out all night incase the demons tried to attack early. We didn’t know what to expect tomorrow.


Publication Date: 09-15-2010

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