» Adventure » Wide Awake Book 1 Of Disperse, . ., . . [novels for teenagers TXT] 📗

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Half awake, and half asleep, the moon was at it's highest peek of the night. There lies a world you can escape to, your dreams. Nightmares can ruin this, therefore entering your dreams causing chaos. Dark secrets linger into your thoughts as you try to escape this frightning world of wonder. You don't know what causes it, or how it comes to be. This nightmare, though has been troubling Emory for weeks now, not leaving her mind as it joins her each night in her slumber. 

The moon was hidden behind the dark grey clouds, gushing tears of water down on to the twilight floor that lied beneath. As they hit the ground they created sparks of blue flames, devouring the lush green grass into ashes. The moon, being cradled by the clouds, was listening to the lullaby of the roaring flames. The flames traveled on, devouring everything in it's path, looking for more destruction. Thunderous roars and flickering lights apeared from the dark, grey, night sky. The stars were cowering behind the clouds, not daring to show themselves to the blue, fiery, flames that arose from the tears of the clouds. The roars of the burning flames were louder than thunder, showing how fast it could crumble the tree's in it's path. A mist of blue smoke arose from the flames, towering up into the grey clouds. Each second the flame climbed itself to the clouds, and past the stars. The moon revealed itself to the flames as the grey clouds opened gently. In the dawn of dusk this uproar had happened. The fire still roared, covering it's marvelous body over the grass. The rain cried more and more, as tremendous flames arose. Roses were now black, no longer the vivatious red it used to be. Streams were devoured, just like the whole land. The flames roared, finding more and more land to destroy as it cried no mercy. 

Emory woke up and found it was just the same nightmare, she been cursed with for weeks. From the time she thought she heard whispers seeping from behind every door, she had this dream each night. It was haunting her, getting worse and worse. She slung her feet from the bed onto the side, letting them dangle. She rubbed her eyes and thought,"Why must I be cursed with this nightmare each night?", she covered her eyes with the palms of her hands and sobbed, thinking of the nightmare again. The world she had escaped to was her obvious dislike, so loud and it was coming for her. It devoured her family, all her biggest dreams and hopes. She shook her head into reality. She slung her legs back onto her bed and drifted off back into her nightmare once again. 

Chapter 1. Just A Dream

Emory rubbed her eyes and cracked both her knuckles. She hung her legs from the side of her bed and jumped down. Rubbing her eyes she got dressed and managed to get herself down the stairs into the kitchen."Same dreams my darling?",said her mother. Emory nodded and wiped the sleep from her eyes. Sloping herself off the chair she slugged over torwards her backpack.

"No, no, no!",shouted Emory, running after the bus. She wasn't all that swift in the mornings, so she gave up. She sighed, tightening her backpack around her shoulders. As she started walking she kept seeing dark shadows clouding the corners of her eyes. Turning her head sharply she saw noting. She panted with fright and ran. Right when her feet met the school grounds she stopped seeing the shadows. "Maybe they are scared of teachers.", She smirked. Walking torwards the school she was frightened by her best friend Kaedan, who slung her arm around Sophia's neck."Sup Emory.", spoke Kaedan."I am fine, you?". "Im great, now that you ask."

Kaedan and Emory, an odd pair, yet inseperable. They had differences of course, yet it was always hard to find them. The biggest thing they had in common was believing in the dark shadows of the night, and thats all they ever talked about. Behind this scheme of course, someone believed they were just a nightmare waiting to happen. Well, thats what they thought. They believed they knew this someone, a spirit. "Spirits aren't real, loosers." , the kids would tease. While Kaedan thought it was imature and rude of those children, Emory thought it was getting to her. Emory was never the most popular girl, in her school, in her neighborhood, or in her family. She is hidden behind a whisper, or a shyness. If only and but, she wished. Kaedan on the other hand, is quite the same. Kaedan has sworn to Emory, that they will be friends forever. Kaedan was one who made promises, she can keep. This is why they had stayed friends for so long, that and they were both easy to hang around. They were almost made for eachother, you can say. They get past differences and both are like sisters. If you heard both of their likes and differences, you'd think they would be sisters. Yet, sadly they are not, though it brings them together more. This friendship is not what you find in movies, not the fake friendships. This was true, real, and fondly NOT made up.

"RRRRiiiiingggg!" . The piercing sound of the school bell was sounded off. It was of course dulled by the footsteps of scurrying students, running down the hall with a swift pace. Emory crept forward for a cunning surprise to Kaedan. Yet with a silent creek of the tile floor, Kaedan turned swiftly,"I can hear you, ya know", she smirked. Emory sloped down sarcastically and poked out her lip. "It's ok honey, I will take you to Brusters for an icecream, ok?", sarcastically spoke Kaedan, faking an accent. Emory gently punched Kaedan and walked along. When they reached the end of the school grounds, where the street splitted, Kaedan was about to walk the oppisite way torwards her house. Emory pulled Kaedan,"Remember your coming over?", she laughed. Kaedan nodded as if to say "Sureee, ya I remembered that.".

They ran in and screamed together,"We're hooome!". Emory's mother walked in. They waved their hands sarcastically as Mrs. Disperse walked in,"You two are hilarious!",she laughed. They nodded,"We know". They walked into Emory's room and went under the canopy to study. As they boringly studied, Emory wondered why Kaedan looked so frightened. "Ok, something freaky is in here! The Lighting is so dim, and I feel a spirit!",Kaedan shouted as she broke the silence. Emory nodded,"I've been having nightmares for a week, all the same one!". Kaedan looked behind her shoulder nervously,"Im staying the night, ok?".

"What, I thought you were scared". 

"I am, thats exactly why I am staying. I need to find out what it is, and if we are in trouble".

Emory nodded and as night fell both of the girls were in their pj's staring at the galaxy painted roof in wonder. "I say we go to sleep and see if we have the same dream in the morning",Murmured Kaedan. Emory yawned signaling a  yes. 

"Aaaaahh!",screamed Kaedan. Emory awoke swiftly and shouted,"What, whats wrong!?". Kaedan threw herself up and studdered,"In my nightmare, I saw clouds and flames! Oh, it was so scary". Emory nodded,"The same dream i've had for a few weeks now". So they walked downstairs into the basement. 

"If I die, tell my mom and dad I love her.",whispered Kaedan.

"If I die, tell my mom I love her".

So they both crossed their hearts and pulled out their sleeping bags. They slept on the cold hard floor and waited for their eyes to drift off. Emory reached for Kaedans hand as they drifted off. This time, the dream was with them in it. They were both being toppled over by the dark flames uproaring from the skylines. Smoke occured as they were burned to ashes, holding hands in peace. It was as if they were ok to die, as long as they were together. 

Chapter 2. Darkness

Emory slipped out of her slumber and took out a piece of paper, reading it aloud to Kaedan. 

                         "If I died tonight,

                   I would end with a fright.

                Your soft words drifting off until I die young

               As my heart shuts down, my feeling, my lungs.


             Grasping my hand. your tears will fall

            You sing my old lullaby, remembering my call.

            All those times I danced around in my pajama's

          I'll remember you as the most loving, my momma


        Your grasp will stay, and so will your golden heart,

       One bit of change, I would be ripped to parts.

      You are my mother, my caretaker, and much more

     You never though that I would die this age, left on the floor.


    I say goodbye now, before it's too late,

   I will remember your kindess, your most wonderful trait

  Don't you cry or fret while im gone,

Just sing to yourself, that marvelous song.",murmured Emory ending the poem.

"Did you write that!?", shouted Kaedan. Emory nodded,"It's nothing." 

                                                                              "It is too!".

                                                                              "No it's not.", shouted Emory.

Kaedan siged,"Your so talented and you can't even grasp that others have always wanted to be like you. Your so independant, and so strong even when doubted. I've always been jealous of you". "I've always been jealous of you! Your so nice and kind!",shouted Emory. They both laughed as Emory tucked the sheet of paper in her pajama pants. They both pulled out their necklace from under their shirt and connected it. They smirked,"I remember when we got this...", murmured Kaedan. "Ya, seems like

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