» Adventure » The Plant, Me [reading books for 6 year olds TXT] 📗
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By- Kenna Groberg
The wind blew harder as Amy ran down the lonely road. Not one person ever showed themselves in her town. They were all huddled away in their houses. Amy had the book in her hand. Running to the town center, she rang the huge bell, that towered over the town, as loud as she could, hoping that a few people might come. The sound that the bell had made rang through the quiet town. Amy saw a few people poke the faces out through their curtains. But no one came outside. Amy stared down at the unknown book not daring to open it. She looked up and rang the bell a second time. A few people opened their doors and put their feet onto the cold ground, only to jump back into their houses because of the cold. After Amy rang the bell again, about ten people started gathering around her.
She was sixteen years old at the time. She had beautiful, long, blonde hair, that she would brush until it was shining like the sun. Her and her family had moved to Marysdale Utah on September 6th, 2007, which was three years ago from the day. Amy liked going on adventures in the mountains, and talking, when she moved to Marysdale in 2007, a rumor went around that there was a book that would bring good luck. Marysdale could definitely use a lot of good luck. After a long time of listening to the stories, Amy went looking for it. Just where the people had said in their stories, which was under a big rock on the highest pint of the mountain, where the sun set.
“I have it, I have the book”
“Have you opened it” a townsman asked,
“I wouldn't dare! It could be evil”
“Only one way to find out. Right?”
“Yeah, but--”
“Go on, open it Amy”
“You and you silly stories! I got this book! Isn't that good enough for you?.” Amy said as she tossed the book to the man next to her.
“Alright then, I will open it, if you're so scared to...” said the man. He slowly began opening the book. All at once a light shot out from the book. The book made the most horrific noise, it sounded like nails on a chalk board that would never stop. People started screaming and covering their ears as the noise continued, a few people ran into their homes. The man who was holding the book threw it onto the muddy ground. The book closed. Everyone stared at it with terrified eyes. Many more people joined the group, wanting to see where the noise had come from. As they all looked at the book they noticed that something started to come from the book.
“What is that?”Amy yelled to anyone who would answer.
“It's---it's a plant! A plant is growing from the book!!” said a woman who had gone closer to get a better look at the book. She stepped back and slipped on a muddy rock and she fell to the ground. The plants vines split and grew to where the woman had fallen. Everyone backed away from her. The woman jumped up, but the plant was much quicker, and it caught hold of her ankle and began tightening its hold on it. Everyone began to scream and race back to their houses. A few men came back to the plant with their axes of chain saws. They began cutting up all of the vines in panic. Every vine that they cut off, the plant would make a high pitched scream, but the more vines they cut off, there would be more that would grow back. Soon the men grew frightened and they retreated back to their homes. Along with the woman who had fallen and now had a severely bruised ankle. Amy had ran as far away from that plant as she could, which was near a lake, about a mile or so away from her town. Amy paused so that she could catch her breath, then she slipped her shoes off and waded in the lake. She looked up and saw someone fishing, it was one of her friends from school. Amy walked over to him and sat down next to him.
His name was Alex Thompson, he had dirty blonde hair, and he had a habit of whistling whenever he walked. He was a very nice person and he loved the outdoors just as much as Amy, maybe even more.
“Hey Amy!” Alex said as he reeled in his fishing line.
“Hey Alex! There this crazy thing that happened.”
“Oh? And what's that?”
“So you know those stories about that book that brings good luck and all?”
“yeah? Oh wait, don't tell me, let me guess, you went and got it.”
“Ha ha, yeah and I just so happens that it didn't bring anything but a plant.”
“A plant?”
“Yes, and it is literally growing from the book as we speak.”
“Well then why are you over here? Shouldn't you be chopping it down or something like that?”
“Already tried, it doesn't do anything”
“Well” Alex said as he threw his fishing line back out into the blue water, “what book was it?”
“Not sure, I didn't check”
“Hmm, I'm sorry that I can't help you out, but maybe the library could have a copy of it or something.”
“Yeah maybe, I will go and check, it might tell me something that could help us.” Amy said as she began walking back to her shoes.
“Here, wait just a second, I'll come with you.” He said as he hurried and put his fishing supplies away. The library was pretty far away, but lucky for Amy, Alex had a car. As they were driving there Alex began to whistle, and whistle, and whistle even more.
“Hey Alex, could you, could you um--”
“Stop? Yeah, sorry, just a habit of mine.”
Soon they arrived at the library. They walked in and began searching through the rows of books. Alex went up to the front desk and asked the lady where the books about plants were put, and she pointed him in the right direction. Soon Alex came back with a very old worn out book in his hand.
“Hey Amy, was it called, er 'The Plants'?”
“Possibly” Amy said as she held her hand out for Alec to giver her the book. “lets check it out and go outside before we open it though.”
“Okay” Alex replied as he began walking over to the exit. After the book was checked out, they walked outside and opened the book. Nothing happened. They began to read. The book almost seemed like a death threat.
“It's a story about vines taking over the world” Amy said as she flipped through the pages of the dirty brown book.
“Do they ever destroy plants?” Alex asked.
“Well maybe, the way that they get rid of them in the book, is the way to get rid of them.” Alex began to say “I mean I could be totally wrong but I mean, still”
“Yeah you're right” Amy said. She flipped to the very last page and read out loud. “ The crazy scientist rushed toward the plant with all his might and splashed all of his chemicals onto it, the plant began to scream a high pitched noise, as it shriveled away into dust.”
“Wow.” Alex said.
Alex cleared his throat and said “ So, uh what-what do you think was in the chemicals?”
“Alex, the plant that's in my town, isn't bad it's just, a plant. Maybe it's stopped growing by now lets just go check really quick.” They got up and hopped into Alex's blue Jeep and he drove to her town. The Jeep stopped when they were about thirty feet away from where Amy lived. Both Amy and Alex sat there dumbfounded, what they saw was not a nice quiet town it was an enormous plant, there was no sign of a town anywhere.
“This, is a problem...”Amy said. Alex pushed on the gas peddle and they drove right up to the huge, green, prickly plant. It had grown straight up, like a wall. There was no sign of an entrance, except for small openings near the ground.
“Well we don't have any chemicals, but if we get that book, we could burn it or something, it might work” Amy said with doubt in her voice. Alex walked up to the wall of vines and lightly put his hand on it. Suddenly the plant grew right around his hand, and grew over to his head, then without a warning he was gone, inside the wall of vines.
“Alex!!!” Amy yelled hoping there would be a reply. Nothing. Amy shrunk down onto her knees and began to cry. The tears kept rolling down her face.
“This is all my fault” Amy whispered to herself. She looked near the bottom of the wall of vines and noticed a little hole just the size for her to fit through. She got onto her hands and knees and slipped into the unknown, vines. She had to stay on her hands and knees and crawl her way through the vines, without touching one, or she would be sucked in just like Alex had been. After crawling for about three minutes, Amy found the book lying in the center of the town where it had been left. The vines had stopped growing from it so she was able to pick it up. She grabbed the book and set it in her hands. The book didn't shoot any light out or make any noise as she gently opened it. The name of the book was “The Plant.” Amy turned to the middle of the book and saw a picture. The picture was of a town that was covered in vines. Then Amy's elbow just barely touched the vine and it began to grow around her just as it did to Alex. Her heart began to race as the vines picked her up off the ground. Amy reached for the open book and could only reach one of the pages before the plant took her over. The vines tightened their grip and would never let go of her. Amy's hand grew weak and she dropped the book. The page that she had been holding onto got caught on one of the sharp vines, the page was ripped. When Amy was about to give up, the vines screeched a high pitched scream that could only be heard by dogs. They dropped Amy and began to shrink away back into the book where they belonged. Very soon all of the vines were gone, back into the book where they belonged. Alex was lying there on the ground where the plants had dropped him. Neither, Alex, or Amy moved a muscle. People ran out of their houses to see where the plant had gone. Amy's Parents rushed to her side, checked if she was still breathing, then called the ambulance. When Amy woke up she was in a hospital bed people were talking, but she couldn't understand them. She only understood that they were talking about her.
“Mrs. Johnson?”
“Yes Doctor?”
“Your daughter is doing fine, she will be able to go home today, you have nothing to worry about”
“Thank you doctor”
“You can go see her if you would like.”
“Thank you” Said Amy's mom, then she walked in “Hey Amy, how are you feeling?”
“Well don't let me keep you up then,”
“No it's fine. How's Alex?”
“Better then you,” Her mom said, “Turns out he wasn't squished by that plant nearly as hard as

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