» Adventure » the face of a nobody, linzey jupiter [best books to read fiction TXT] 📗

Book online «the face of a nobody, linzey jupiter [best books to read fiction TXT] 📗». Author linzey jupiter

kristina houdson was a normal teenage girl but when her dad kicks her out she wonders the streets thinking how she was kicked out .
dad:you have disapointed me for the last time your out of here
kristina: you cant do this to my im your daughter
dad:what a lousy mistake you were and your mother would have done the same. youve disceaced this family i never want to see you again
kristina:(holding back her tears) fine then. ill leave but i will return with my head held high and you welcoming me back.
dad: ya that would be the day.
end of flashback
this is the first time she cried in 2 years. the last time she cried was when her mother died of a heart attack. she was her only reason to live so he tried to committe suicide many times and her dad had enough and kicked her out. she wandered into the forest left on lily road thats where she went when she was sad or her parents where fighting. another reason her dad hated her she sneaks out a lot. when she stopped and looked around she wondered "shit i must be in dragon territory i hope i'm not found by an evil dragon. i just jinxed it didn't i" but she wasn't like other girls that would scream and run away. she actually had a couple of dragons as friends. they came to her side when she sneaked out and she would talk to them about what was happening in her life. she wondered the forest for about an hour but couldnt find her way out. she was tierd so she stoped and rested. she fell asleep after crying for 15 minutes. right in the middle of her nap a dragon apeared and hit her of of the log she was sleeping on.
kristina: what just happened.
dragon: sorry i didnt see you.are you ok.
kristina: ya im ok. im kristina.
dragon: im slivermoon. were you crying.
kristina: is it noticable. ya my dad just disowned me.
slivermoon: oh thats so sad what about your mom.
kristina:she died of a heart atack 2 years ago. hey why were you flying so fast.
silvermoon: my owner was abusing me. but one of his servants set me free
kristina: wait were you captured by that rich snob. what was his name. reiley.
silvermoon: yes but my best friend blake sneaked me out. but who knows what reiley will do to him.
kristina:well then lets go kick reileys butt.
silvermoon: what
kristna: im going to help your friend by kicking reileys butt. now come on.
silvermoon: ok but were ggettig there fast hop on my back.


Publication Date: 08-06-2011

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