» Adventure » An Unexpected Adventure, Di-Di- Lewis [ebook reader below 3000 TXT] 📗

Book online «An Unexpected Adventure, Di-Di- Lewis [ebook reader below 3000 TXT] 📗». Author Di-Di- Lewis


"Bye mom, I love you!" I called to her as I grabbed a bagel and my black schoolbag, and ran out the door. I can't be late again, the band directors won't let me go to the next away game, and my mom will kill me! I thought as I ran to the bus stop to wait for the bus.
"Finally, you actually showed up," a very familiar voice said behind me, it was Mackey, I turned around and punched his shoulder just to mess with him. "Hey! What'd ya do that for?" Mackey whined.
"No reason," I answered, "but maybe it was because of what you said."
"Sorry," he said, the rest of what he said was droned out by the sound of the bus slowly chugging down the street. I checked my watch, 6:45, crap, I only have 45 minutes till I have to be at band, I hope the bus isn't this slow the rest of the way to school.

I felt pressure on my arm and looked up, it was Mackey, "Huh?" I questioned.
"Come on, we have to get off the bush unless you want to miss school," Mackey elbowed my rib cage, and I shook my head, I am not going to miss school.
"I'm coming, no need to rush," I said, glancing down at my watch, 6:30, apparently I have more time than I thought.
Mackey grabbed my hand and pulled me off the bus and dragged me to the band hall. I blushed, he's never done this before. "What are you all smiley about?" Mackey asked me.
"No reason," I said, frowning again, there is no way that I would every let him know why I was just smiling, "no reason at all."
"OK," he looked at me quizzically, not so sure of what I said.

I felt someone dragging me by the arm, "What are you doing?" I questioned, then looked up and saw Mackey.
"You weren't moving when the bell rang, so I decided to drag you out," he replied, as if I was supposed to know that, then I looked down at my watch, 3:45, how could school be over all ready, it just started. "What'a so puzzling, Erava?" he asked me.
"Didn't school just start?" I asked him.
"Excuse me?" he gave me a puzzled look.
"You just dragged me to band, and now you're dragging me out of the school building." I insisted, I hope he doesn't think I'm going crazy.
"Nope, let's go to band now, we have to be there by 4, or we'll be late, and we might not make it on the bus." he hurried me to the lot where we had to get ready.
Then we were on the bus, I was sitting next to Mackey, and our friends were surrounding us, we were all talking, I couldn't understand a single word of what they were saying, it was as if they were talking in a completely different language, I looked at them in confusion, wondering why I couldn't understand them. I looked out the window, knowing of nothing else to do. Everything went by in a blur, not letting me even catch a glimpse of the world outside the speeding bus.
All of a sudden we were in the stands playing the school song, I don't even remember putting my uniform on, which is the really weird thing. Mackey, being a trumpet, sat on the row behind me. I looked back after we were finished and looked for him, he was sitting on the other side of the bench, away from me. Then we were in the field; I am just glad that all of our sets are near each others, we were in the middle of the third movement, one more movement to go till we can go back to the stands.
The weather decided that it would not like the percussion and woodwinds and decided to rain while we were marching. While it was raining, a figure floated down from the sky, clothed in all black, it sent a sort of fear throughout my body, as if this thing was something very terrible; we stopped marching and just looked at the figure in black; the people in the stands were confused as to why we had stopped, sand then they saw what we were looking at, and they froze.
Then the figure spoke, it's voice sounded like a knife cutting through a brick, and sandpaper scratching against a chalkboard, "Erava, Mackey, Annabelle, Susan, John, Omar, and Cicillia, you must all come with me. It is time for you to leave this place and go to the place that you belong." I looked at Mackey, he just shrugged his shoulders, "If you do not come, the whole earth will fall into chaos, and the people that you know and love will suffer and die a horrible death, along with billions of innocent people." Great, now the fate of the world rests in a decision that 7 people have to make, oh what fun this will be., I thought to myself, then I started walking towards the cloaked figure. "This child was the first to come, the first one that was listed," the figure spoke, "her family will be greatly blessed thanks to her sacrifice, thanks to her leaving you behind and going to where she has to go." Then Mackey started to walk towards the man, and when he arrived, he grabbed my hand. "Another person has come up, a good boy, very kind to all he encounters, he will save your world." After Mackey came up, the others came, Annabelle was a small girl, she seems about ten years old, her hair is the color of golden hay on the night of a full moon, her eyes are they most beautiful shade of green, and she has a bronze tint to her skin. Susan, she is about seventeen years old, she has dark brown hair with very bright streaks of purple, hers eyes are like storm clouds, and she is as white as someone could be. Omar came up after her, he looks about 14 or 15, he seems like a very shy person, his hair was jet black, some of it poking out at random places, his eyes are a very dark shade of brown, and his skin seems kind of middle eastern. Cicillia came last, she looks about six or seven, she has white hair, silver eyes, and glowing white skin, as she came up, she looked wildly about her, as if she was scared that something might grab her at any moment and pull her away.
"They have all come, now we must all go." it said, the figure pulled part of its clothing around us, then removed it and we were no longer in the football field, we were in someplace completely different, this place seemed happy and cheerful, it looked kind of old fashioned, like there's no electricity anywhere. Then the figure took off the black clothing, and apparently it had a mask on too, so it took that off as well. "Sorry about the scare," the voice seems to have changed, now it has a gentle tone to it, it sounds like a man in his 20's. I looked at the figure, it even looks like a man in his 20's, "I bet y'all are wondering what my name is, well, my name is Alanver Marnicipal, you guys can call me Teacher, though there are some of you who won't have me as their teacher, such as all the girls, I will only be teaching the boys, so that's Omar and Mackey. The boys and I must be going now, lady's, your teacher will be on her way any moment now, we will see you at dinner." then they were gone, walking away.


Publication Date: 09-02-2012

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