» Adventure » SCHOOL is a NIGHT MARE, Brianna Williams [freda ebook reader TXT] 📗

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School was a nightmare and now a dream!
By: Brianna Williams
School was the scariest think I could think of happening to me last year. I was having the time of my life doing no work, sitting in class, not even listening to the teachers. There were reasons, though no one would understand. I hated class, I hated school, and most of all, and I hated life. I knew I was failing everything and was going to get nowhere with my grades. One thing I was terrified of was changing schools because the thought of someone leaving me makes me want to break down cry and beg for them to stay; and I knew if I left the friends I had, they would move on and forget me. In my mind, millions of towers were going to come crashing down, and I would be the one standing under the towers as they fell on me at my death. As if my death bed was waiting for me as I stood alone… alone while everyone watched the towers crash down and burn while I stood there as my death fell upon me. The thought of being alone makes me shake and tremble.
Last year, I went to Aldrich with all my best friends; I had a great time and never done my work. The teachers would never explain it in a way that my brain would understand. I thought the teachers and my parents thought I was stupid and that I was going to fail at life. I was failing every class and started to lose all my friends because of a stupid mistake. I hung out with this girl that had everyone hated in the school. I guess you could say she was a bad girl, or tried to be. My mom kept telling me if I did not bring my grades up I was going to have to leave Aldrich for seventh grade, and that I needed to hang out with different people, but I never listened. The last month of school, I saw her setting up meetings for different school and I felt like dying… I had to go to some meetings with other schools but every one I went to I tried to make myself look bad because I did not want to leave my friends.
The beginning of the next year I went to RCAA. I had no friends and I would sit alone thinking everyday was the worst day of my life. Then I started to talk to people and started to get to know my teacher more. You could see that I had started to get more comfortable because my grades went up more than they had ever been before. I can’t believe that I am about to say this but I had started to like school. I had no drama, I could be proud to show who I really was. I did not have to pretend to be someone that I wasn’t; it was a new fresh start so no one could judge me. It was like a magical dream but when I woke up the next day it would not vanish in thin air, or disappear. It was right there in front of me, it was my life. I am doing a great job here compared to my last four years of schooling. I like my school, my teacher, and my friends, I miss the old ones to and I still hope to go back to Aldrich next year but I don’t that will happen; but maybe that’s a good thing, but I don’t know.
I think that my coming to this school this year has really affected me in a good way, my grades have gone up and so has my self-esteem. My long term goal is to become an art teacher and this school has really helped me with that dream. They have let me find out more about art and really let me be able to develop my skills in art. This school, at first, sounded like my worst nightmare, it was like death was going to come from behind me and get me with out me knowing that it was coming. School turned out to be a great thing for me, but I still have and try to hide my biggest fear that people are going to leave me. More and more people are going to leave me in my life and I know its just life but I can’t have more people leave me, soon no one will be here for me and I will be alone. It is not all my fault for having this fear though, and you would know why if you really got to know me… School should not be a fear; it should be an insane gift that will make you better and make you a stronger, and help you get through life. Death has not fallen like those towers upon me to make me crash and burn and I am watching as death hits me in the face. My death bed was not there with me standing alone; instead a light was there with open arms like an angel and took me in. It healed my scars, not fully but enough for them to hide and keep quiet as if nothing had happened. Though you would still have to get to know me more to understand, school is my heaven. That may sound lame don’t judge me; just get to know the real Bree.


Publication Date: 04-12-2011

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