» Adventure » Lemon-Fire, Clasheerah M.Fields [classic novels TXT] 📗

Book online «Lemon-Fire, Clasheerah M.Fields [classic novels TXT] 📗». Author Clasheerah M.Fields

Chapter 1

I was talking with my friends about the new Idol that transfered to our school, and we were yapping until we heard loud screaming in the school halls. 99.9 % of people rushed into the halls wondering what was going on, but all we could see was blood scattered accross the school walls. The classroom doors all shut one after another and all you heard was loud screams, I jumped up to see what was going on and all you seen was blood scattered across walls and desks.Then this really cool girl busted out crying saying "We're all going to die here, this is the reason I was supposed to stay at home and fake that I was sick" we all stared at her with wow faces a number 1# school bully crying what amazement! We all stood in the hallway wondering what to do then we heard footsteps and saw a shadow coming up the stairs, I was really hoping it wasn't a killer and thank goodness it wasn't. It was a cloaked man he hit the top of the stair and took off his cloak he then said "Those who don't wanna die here tonight come forth" we all stared at him.


Publication Date: 01-28-2015

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