The Adventures Of A.S and H.S, Olivia O'Donnell [epub e ink reader txt] 📗

- Author: Olivia O'Donnell
Book online «The Adventures Of A.S and H.S, Olivia O'Donnell [epub e ink reader txt] 📗». Author Olivia O'Donnell
Julian and Hailie Slutt walked to their school together as siblings. Hailie was five months younger than Julian. "Alright, Mr.Hammy, I have to go to school, so you stay in this open pocket in my backpack." Hailie said to her pet hamster, Hammy. "Hailie, you're in 7th grade, when are you going to stop obsessing over your hamster?" Julian said. Hailie didn't mind him, she just continued putting Hammy in her backpack. Julian's phone started to ring. Hailie grabbed it, and it came up as an unknown number. She answered it anyway, and Julian saw she had his phone.
"Hello?" Hailie answered.
"Hi, is this, Julian?" The voice answered back.
"No, this is Julian's sister, Hailie."
"Even better,"
"Okay," Hailie jumped off the phone and told Julian, "There's this weird dude on the phone, and I don't who it is." Julian walked to listen to what he said.
"Hello? Is anybody there?" The voice said, again.
"Yeah, I'm back, it's Hailie. I have my brother Julian with me too."
"Even better than anything!!"
"What do you want?" Julian asked.
"I want you guys to be secret agents for me."
"What!!" Hailie screamed, but Julian put his arm around her and said," Don't worry, he's probably just kidding, here, let me ask him. Sir, are you kidding?"
"No, I am not kidding. I follow you guys on Facebook, and I find you two very interesting. I want you guys to be secret agents for me." Julian talked to Hailie and they both said yes to being secret agents. Andrea, Hailie's best friend was coming around the corner and Andrea could not find out that Julian and Hailie were secret agents, she would flip! "Julian, we have to get rid of her, if she finds out that we are agents, she would be asking me questions every second of the day." Hailie told Julian, sounding really confident. "Hailie, it hasn't even been ten minutes us being agents, how do you know what it's like?" Julian responded to Hailie, thinking that now, agreeing to be an agent was wrong. "Hi Hailie, hi Julian." Andrea said. She looked at Hailie's "smile" and noticed that something was up."What's the matter?" Andrea asked. "What, what do you mean, what's the matter? Everything is okay," Hailie said, and she had a weird smile on her face. "Okay. Julian , can I talk to Hailie by ourselves?" Andrea asked Alec. He turned and said, "Okay." He walked away, and he met up with his friend, Michael. Michael and Andrea were brother and sister. They walked to school in those pairs. Andrea, Hailie, Julian, and Michael were all in the same homeroom classes first period everyday. Julian and Andrea were assigned to sit next to each other on Thursdays, it was a Thursday. Michael and Hailie sat far away from all their friends, but they sat next to each other (everyday). Sometimes Hailie would try to sneak next to Andrea on Mondays, because on Mondays, Andrea sat next to an empty desk (no one sat there). Mrs.Hensley, their homeroom teacher, was the boringest teacher ever, and Hailie hated her. Mrs.Hensley always acted weird when she taught about myth creatures and fantasy things. "Alright class, please turn to page 152 in your books. Today we'll be learning about the vampire. Which, I think is the best myth creature ever!" Mrs.Hensley said, acting weird about myths again.
"Mrs.Hensley," Andrea rose her hand.
"Yes, Andrea." She answered back.
"Do vampires really exist?"
"I'm sure they do. Probably roaming this city. Looking for tasty blood." Mrs.Hensley put her hand on Hailie's shoulder and opened her mouth to speak. "Vampires have nice fangs to bite someone and then the person who got bit becomes a vampire." As Mrs.Hensley was talking, Hailie was looking right up at her mouth. Hailie saw fangs. Fangs. Fangs from Mrs.Hensley's mouth, Mrs.Hensley was a vampire! The bell rang and Hailie grabbed her books and ran out the door.
"There's another one rushing to get to the next period because of Mrs.Hensley." Michael said.
"That's it, Michael! Detention!" Mrs.Hensley yelled. Her eyes turned beat red and Michael's too. Michael saw a vision of a graveyard and a wild fire. Then his eyes turned back to green. Then Mrs.Hensley's eyes turned back to blue.
"Whoa," Michael said.
"You and Hailie have detention for Friday night." Mrs.Hensley said.
"But that's not fair! We were going to see the new movie, A Hairless Ware Wolf's Temper!"
"Oh, too bad! A ware wolf is nothing compared to a vampire! See a movie about one of those!" Michael stopped and thought. He walked out the door as Andrea put her talking mode on, that can't be good. A couple of periods later, they all had the same lunch period (basically, they had all their classes together). Hailie told Alec about what happened about Mrs.Hensley in text mode, because she didn't want Andrea or Michael to get freaked out. All lunch long, Hailie was talking to Andrea about her crush, Aiden.
"How could you like him!" Andrea said.
"I like him because he's nice, and kind." Hailie responded.
"To you! My opinion is that he is a guy that everyone hates."
"Well, yeah, you would think so! Anyway, that 's just your opinion. My opinion is WAY different."
"It's only different because you like him. If you didn't, you would hate him like I do."
"Oh, stop Andrea! I love him, and you should support me."
"I will, only if you stop talking about him." Andrea and Hailie saw Aiden pass by. He noticed Hailie and he high-fived her. Andrea laughed.
Publication Date: 06-02-2011
All Rights Reserved
To My best friends, Amy Chalan and Andrea Torres
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