» Adventure » My Life Bottom To Top, Kendrew Lee [readnow txt] 📗

Book online «My Life Bottom To Top, Kendrew Lee [readnow txt] 📗». Author Kendrew Lee

Monday, January 1st

Hello my name is...actually that's boring let start again shall we. Hello(that's better)you might be wondering what the *%£@ am i doing if your not wondering you should shut the book and say what was that
............................................ by now i have the loser out of the way so let begin. I'm Basically the most normal person that i know in my middle school the people i know are childish, weird, nerds and mostly bully's and i like the trash can better that being stuck at school for five or six hours so i going to do something about it first i have bully's big strong dumb idiot!!!

When i said i like the trash can better i ended up in the trash can so i should think before i make dumb decision like that so i need a another plan but my plan won't work cause the only strong person who hangs with me is Robert but he can't even do a sit up

well guess i failed see you in part two oh and my name's Lucas Hinkwood


Publication Date: 11-16-2011

All Rights Reserved

I Liked to thank Jeff Kinney For Inspiring me to write this book.

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