» Adventure » The attribute twins, Black Rock Berry [best ereader for pdf and epub .TXT] 📗

Book online «The attribute twins, Black Rock Berry [best ereader for pdf and epub .TXT] 📗». Author Black Rock Berry

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A locked door.

My names is flame, I'm seventeen, I was heading home like I usually do. When I got to the house I seen fire. I ran into my house to see everything burnt up, even my mother, I didn't see my father which means he must be still at work. I ran through the house to find if I could find something that was still valuble to use. I ran around the house until the ceiling started falling, as you know, people wouldn't be able to breathe in smoke. I ran into the bathroom to get out the window, I jumped out the window right when the whole house collasped so I guess that means that what just happened is just something that happens when some one is not doing something right or if some body had made a mistake and put something into the fire and tryed to put it out the wrong way. I started running to the police office but then a green and red car started following me. I ran into an ally way which was the most stupid move that anybody could ever do. As I ran down the dark ally way I heard guns starting to load up, I ran with all my might to get straight into the dark that way they couldn't be able to aim at me the right way and they could miss me. I ran until I was in the hills which was the smartest thing that I could ever do because I was friends weith the animals and I would be protected by them, also if one of them would to get injured then all the animals in the forest would attack while the mother of the injured one protected him or her. I walked behind a tree when I started hearing foot steps marching into the hills right where I was, so to make sure that I would be able to get to school with out getting injured, I climbed up the tree that I was hiding behind, I hid in the tree branches so that I wouldn't get cuaght while, I started to spy on the search commitee to make sure that I was still on point and that I wouldn't miss the chance of running to school. When the sun started going down and the sky started turning dark, and the search commitee was till on the look out, I was really thinking on jumping out of the branches and running to the city but then I was double guessing. What if they are waiting for me to jump out the tree so that they could confisticate me and I would be nothing more. I started getting very tired and started getting very uneasy, I started leaning forward when I suddenlly heard gun fire. I think it was close to me because it startled me and I was really getting tipped off with how these guys were running things, for one they are staying here, not even giving me a time to a least run to the city and have the cops go search for me insted of these wird robot that kill you. I started sweating, not because I was scared, not because I was hot, I was getting ready to jump and really give all these guys a old fashion hit. I started looking at them until my hair started poking out of the branches, now the reason why I did this is so they can exspect me and all line up next to this one tree. I started doing it over and over again until they spotted me and started shooting at me until they were out of amo, then I jumped out hte tree and atacked, but I was to early for my plan to work because of they had other people with more amo and they fired at me, I all most got hit by some of them but I was able to dodge them, I thought really hard while I dodged the bullets that were being fired at me. "Change in plans." I whispered to myself as I had a new idea, if I would to have the people that still have the amo fire thier amo at the ones that didn't have amo then that would give me the opportunity to run to school plus I would be able to get to school unless they all ready got the ploice waiting for me it the city. I went to the back of one of the robots and the people fired I moved out they way to get to safety. I keep dodgeing until I was able to get all the guys out, I was stuck because I never ever thought once after I get all of them out what I would do with the last survior, I couldn't think what to do next because I had no supstance, I thought to myself, this is a head to head match that will be very much dangerous because of if I would to make one wrong move I would be a hole in the pot. My heart started to beat really fast and this time I was sweating becasue I was scared. I was standing there waiting for two things, one, make sure that an idea pops up in my head before something happens to me just like in my favorite book but right now I can't talk about my favorite book because of I was in a situation that I was about to die. Any way and two is because of I was waiting for the last guy to make his move so that I would be able to have a idea pop into my head like A S A P.  I started making sure that I could turn around with out notice and stil be able to have the guy shot down I ralized that there was a bunch of gun shots in the tree that I was standing into. I finnally got an idea, I ran right behind the tree and started to push it towards where the guy was. I really do believe thst this guy was very stupid to fire at a tree that was practically all ready broken up, I knew that he was going to fire at the tree so if I pushed it to the direction of the dude then when he fires then the tree would head his direction insted of mine. I gave the tree a hard push after he fired and then the tree fell over and I made my run for it. I ran to the city to make sure I was secure that nobody else was going to chase me around. I thought to myself, I should have tryed to put out the fire insted of jumping out the window. I ran back to house, making sure that I was not about to go into a trap, I ran into my still burning house that stood some how, and grabbed a fire enstingisher and started putting out the fire. Three hours went by and I was finnally able to put out the fire, I sat down on the burnt floor that was about to break in, I thought to myself, maybe I should repair the house and barry my mother in the back yard and have her sprit float around the house. I went out side to go and by some wood or brick to go repair the house. When I got to the repair store every body was staring at me with is that her eyes. I went to the department with the wood and tile and started picking up some of the stuff that I would need to repair the house. "Excuse me, are you flame?" I turned around to see a young man with the picture of me on it, I also seen some wirting on it that said, (Wanted, reward for finding this person is twenty hundred billion dollars.) I looked at him, he looked at me and we stared at each other until I said nope sorry. I seen a house on fire earlyer and I think that she was in side of that house so there is no point of looking for someone who already died. He looked at me with I was hoping to get alot of things with that money eyes. I continued getting the rest of the stuff that I needed and went to the clark. As I was paying for my stuff I seen a ugly high school student pay for my stuff. I looked at him trying to make sure he wouldn't ask me are you flame or asking do you need a ride or something of that sort. I grabbed my stuff, thank the guy and was on my way back to the half burnt house, at least thats what I thought. I turned around to see the same guy who had payed for my stuff and a bunch of other guys following me, I seen one holding a net and another guy holding a camera. I realized that these guys were following me because I was thier one pray like any other girl, which would mean one thing, these guys are after the money to. I looked at them with the corner of my eye and then started walking a little faster to confirm what I was think. As I walked faster they walked faster, I decided to run and take a short cut home so I turned the corner and then I ran into some one else who was after the money! I then realized that this whole city had been corupted with the prize money of finding me so I had to of course take the long way back and that wasn't easy because I had stuff in my hand and I had to run up a high hill that was probally ten miles, I ran and ran until I got there, thank goodness I was fit becuase I was able  to ware everybody who was following me out. I walked into my uneven house and placed it on the floor. I thought sience this place was corrupted I would burn the wood and set the house on fire and run to the beach which is completely out of this town. So I did just that and was on my way.


Two days went by and I was just getting to a grocery store that had something to drink and eat, I was worn out already without going to sleep and without eating anything. I walked inside the store with my head down. I was hopeing that I didn't look wierd or look like a robber that has walked into the store to steal some money. I went to find a bag of chips and a drink but then I ran into the last person I wanted to see, my father. " Well what's up daughter?" I realized that he was thinking of taking the prize money and me so I had to think fast. " Watashi wa kazoku no tame ni ikutsu ka no shokuhin o shutoku suru hitsuyō ga ari, anata ga michi o idō shite kudasai suru koto ga dekimasu?" I'm glad that I went to languege class. I went to pass him until he grabbed me by the arm and pulled me back in front of him. " Little brat! do you even know what your saying?" I thought about what I should say, I also thought I should tell him that I knew what I was saying, I mean I wouldn't be saying things that I wouldn't know unless I was stupid. "Hai watashi wa watashi ga watashi wa ima, watashi wa

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