» Adventure » The Adventures of Macen Karmyne, Graham Plantagenet [e books for reading .txt] 📗

Book online «The Adventures of Macen Karmyne, Graham Plantagenet [e books for reading .txt] 📗». Author Graham Plantagenet


Chapter I: Selena

 “Do you guys have to go?” I asked my dad.


 I was 14 years old. I’ve had this dream several times. It’s the last time I saw my mom and dad. They left for some retreat spa at the Isle of Marana.

 “Yes, Mace,” my dad replied, “I promised your mother a holiday with just the two of us. You’re old enough to be on your own. It’s only for three weeks.”

 My dad kissed me on my forehead, hugged me, straddled his V-road motorcycle, and waited for my mother.

 “If you need anything, your Uncle Cian will be in town in a few days,” she kissed my cheek, hugged me tight, and joined my father on his bike.


 I was woken from my dream by the blaring horns of a notorious biker bandit gang called The Hopeless Ones. They rode souped-up Reavers, painted their faces with a red skull, and wore a sort of red leather jumpsuit.

From the sound of their animalistic screams, they had spotted me lounging on my Draven motorbike. I straddled the seat, kicked her to life, did a 360 degree turn, and shot off in the opposite direction of my lunatic pursuers.

While my Draven was superior in speed to a Reaver, theirs were souped-up Reavers, and were gaining on me. I pulled out my tazing baton and waited for confrontation. I didn’t have to wait long before one of them rolled up beside me, perched on his bike like some crazy bird.

He leaned his bike in closer to mine, trying to wipe me out, so I tazed his balls with my wand. He made a painful whoop, jumped up from his perched position, and ate dirt. One down.

Next I was flanked by two Hopeless riders. The one on my left looked to be a woman, while the one on the right was another male. In one quick fluid motion I tapped the woman on her tit, sending her careening away from me, and swiped the male across his ass. He squealed in pain and ate dirt like his predecessor. Three down.

We were racing across miles of desert, kicking up a massive cloud of dirt. I decided to use this to my advantage. I perform a deliberate fishtail with my bike. Swinging the rear wheel from side side, billowing up a massive cloud of dirt.

My technique seemed to do the trick because I was putting distance between myself and the remaining Hopeless Ones. I let my body and nerves relax. It’s not everyday someone evades the Hopeless Ones. It’s dangerous crossing The Barrens, more so when one happens upon the Hopeless.


An hour and a half after evading the red-faced bandits; I reach the oil mining town, Ebonvale. While oil is its major resource, Ebonvale also has a harbor, making it a leading imports and exports town. Its harbor is my reason for coming here. I received word that Grey, the man responsible for my parents’ death, was on the southern continent, Sul Terra.

I suppose I should bring you up to speed on things. My name is Macen Patrick Karmyne. I was born September 21, 3019. My parents, Sean and Carolynn, were murdered when I was 14 by a man named Grey. He, from the stories I’ve heard, is a powerful sorcerer. Nobody knows his real name, just that he is called Grey.

I live in a small town called Bale, located in the north eastern region of Midland. Midland was once upon called North America. After the nuclear war of 2020 and the rise of water levels in 2250, much of the continents land mass changed. Ancient coastal regions like California, Texas, Mexico, eastern coast civilizations, and several islands are no more.

It is the year 3049, and not only has land changed and places been renamed, but things have returned to this earth that had long been only in stories. Fey creatures like Elves, Dwarves, and Faeries. Even old forgotten deities have returned from the shadows of ancient times. 

Anyways, here I am in Ebonvale. Hopefully there’s a ship bound for Sur Terra, but before I hit the docks, I decide to stop at  the local tavern and see my on again - off again Latina girlfriend, Selena Ruis. She says her ancestors had come from Brazil, which used to be a country on the continent Sur Terra.

She is the barkeep at the Red Raven Inn & Tavern, so as a benefit, she hears every story from every wayward patron; making her an excellent informant. I just hope she’s in a good mood. We didn’t exactly part on good terms last I saw her, and she can hold a grudge. 

I walk into the Red Raven, and immediately Selena eyes me. With a dagger eyes look, she motions for me to wait upstairs in one of the rooms. I know which room to wait in because it’s the one we use on my visits. So, I tromp up the stairs and into room 3.

What seemed like hours, but was probably only 30 minutes later, Selena storms into the room, slams the door, and unleashes her pent up rage.

“VOCÊ É INCONSIDERADO, EGOCÊNTRICO, ARROGANTE, ESTÚPIDO BASTARDO (You inconsiderate, self-centered, arrogant, stupid bastard)!”

“You forgot good looking and quick witted,” I reply with a smirk.

She smacks me hard across the face, inducing that bell ringing sound.

“You show your face in my tavern after what you did, Macen Karmyne?” She says, folding her arms across her breast, and leaning in close to my face.

“You’re still mad about that, bebé?” I ask sweetly.

“Don’t bebé me, Macen Karmyne. You get drunk off your traseiro (ass), go around kissing every meretriz (whore) in here, and end up getting thrown out on your traseiro by Mauricio.”

“You know how I get with rum in my blood,” I defend, “but that’s no excuse. Eu sinto muito (I’m sorry), Selena.”

“Está bem (It’s fine), What are you doing here?”

“I received word that Grey was on Sur Terra. I came to find passage there. Have you heard anything?”

“Sim (yes), sailors coming from there talk of magia do mal, an evil magic. Say they saw  one village burnt like as if from a fogo do inferno (Hell’s fire).”

“Definitely sounds like Grey’s work. I can’t imagine the horrors those sailors saw. Are they still at port?”

“No, they left some time ago. There are three ships at dock, though. One is sure to bound for Sur Terra.”

“I’ll go check with their captains now. You mind if I keep the Draven here? I don’t want to take it to Sur Terra.”

“Certamente (of course), you can keep it in the back. You going to stay the night?”

“That depends on the ship I procure. If they’re leaving port tomorrow, I’d love to stay the evening.”

“Don’t get any ideas, Macen Karmyne, I’m still mad at you.”

“Of course,” I smile.


Publication Date: 10-20-2018

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