» Adventure » Magical Kingdom, Creepy n Weird, D. G. [e book reader pdf .TXT] 📗

Book online «Magical Kingdom, Creepy n Weird, D. G. [e book reader pdf .TXT] 📗». Author Creepy n Weird, D. G.

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Chapter one: Bandit

Sitting alone on a tree branch, lurking around the woods and looking for something to do, is a strange Bandit. Her cloak covering her face, so that no one can see it. Waiting eagerly for something to happen, the strange bandit takes out her bow and arrows, slowly pointing it at a little leaf, attempting to adjust her aim. She breathes in quietly and closes her eyes, gently letting go of the arrow, she hits the leaf, and watches as it falls slowly to the ground. “Got it!” the strange bandit whispers and smiles proudly. Suddenly a carriage starts heading down the road towards the strange bandits location, with an armed mercenary inside. The carriage is round with an intricately carved base and two horses pulling it, one white with multiple spots, one black with white markings. The carriage turns onto the trail and drives past where the strange girl is sitting, sunlight catching onto a golden box strapped to the back of the carriage. Quickly she tries to get a good look at the carriage, as she attempts to keep her balance so she does not to fall off the tree. She squints her eyes a little, and jumps onto another tree trying to get a good grip. Jumping from tree to tree, she attempts to  stay hidden as much as possible, she tries following the carriage, not thinking of the dangers there could be. As the armed mercenary looks out the window for any dangers, he suddenly sees a strange figure moving amongst the trees. The figure is cloaked in a strange black aura and is moving to fast for him to make out any other details, other than the fact that there is no way the mysterious figure is male, if it is it's a child. The figure is small and light in build with a long cloak covering its face. He thinks to himself “there's no way that can be a male it's too fast and too small in build so it's not the Strange Bandit that's been seen around here” not knowing the bandit is actually female, as no one has seen the bandit’s face and lived. He carefully keeps an eye on the figure but goes back to doing what he was doing after checking the treasure in the back of the carriage to make sure it’s still there. As the figure follows the carriage, she comes to a halt and hides in a dark area, spying on the carriage. Looking around she decides to stay where she is. Breathing softly and closing her eyes for a bit she summons a shadow, using her energy, but not too much. As the shadow reaches towards the carriage carefully, it grabs ahold of one of the wheels and causes the carriage to crash, the mercenary hits his head on the top of the carriage as it does and is knocked to the ground unable to move or protect the carriages goods. As the Strange bandit moves for her prize the sun starts to lower in the sky and it begins to rain. Smiling proudly she begins walking towards the carriage still trying to remain hidden and looks around to make sure no one is watching her. Circling around the carriage she suddenly stops, only to see something or someone laying on the ground. Quietly she growls and rolls her eyes and starts walking towards the golden box which she was after, trying to ignore the person. As the strange bandit does so, the mysterious figure shivers and groans waking up slightly but unable to talk. Slowly the figure turns over to his back bleeding from his right arm, where it was cut during the crash, and fades back into unconsciousness. As the bandit is about to take the box she suddenly stops and looks back at the male. She groans quietly and decides to walk over to the injured figure. Slowly she kneels down a bit and decides to poke him to see if he is alive. She sighs quietly and sits down next to him tilting her head, almost as if she was thinking. 


Chapter two: Strangers

The stranger softly gains consciousness long enough to see a cloaked figure looking down at him, he tries to move but can't almost as if he is paralyzed. As he does this his head causes him to blank out again, and as he comes to he is lying in a hammock by a fire in a dark cave. The mysterious stranger is sitting in one corner and in the other across from the fire is a bunch of gold and jewels along with weapons and armor from different caravans. The cave is decorated as if the figure lives here. Sitting down the figure kinda smiles a bit, then grabs a coin and tosses it in the air kinda playing around with it. “What’s your name?” She whispers quietly hoping to get a weird reaction. The mercenary blinks a couple times as if trying to wake himself up and than slowly replies “Daemon and who are you?” slowly approaching the dark figure. She sighs and decides to take her hood off from her head to reveal her dark red eyes with blood flowing down her cheeks a little. “My name is Nightmare..” she whispers quietly as if waiting for a funny reaction. Daemon looks at her bloodied face thinking of something to say, not knowing what else to say he just simply asks “Where am I?” Rolling her eyes she replies “You are somewhere you don’t need to know.” Curiously Daemon inches closer and gently wipes the blood off of Nightmares cheeks and whispers “You live here all alone?”  Quickly she jerks her head back a little as Daemon wipes the blood off “What are you doing??” She says kinda glaring. Daemon responds carefully “I was just wiping off the blood i thought maybe you'd look better without crying blood” he says laughing. Nightmare just sits there and still for several seconds then bursts out laughing. “Even if you did wipe off the blood it comes back smart one.” She says smirking a bit. Blinking two times the blood comes back down her cheeks slowly, kinda tickling her. “Also yes...I do live here alone got a problem?” She says with a little sass. Daemon laughs and than notices the treasure again and goes white as a ghost, simply asking, while gesturing to the treasure, “Where'd you get all that?” Daemon watches her to see if she tells the truth. Smiling Nightmare tilts her head and pretends to think. “Hmm I wonder...where did I get this stuff?” Daemon becomes curious and questions her further “Were you the one who caused the crash? Have you been robbing people?” Becoming tense he attempts to stay calm headed and not get angry at the women standing before him. “I wouldn’t say ‘steal’ I prefer to say something revenge” she smirks, as her dark red eyes glow. Daemon thinks softly trying to figure out a way to calm the situation and figure out why this person saved his life if she intended to rob him. “If you were planning on stealing from me, Why'd you save my life after the crash? You could've just killed me or left me to die, Why didn't you?” Asked Daemon with a twinkle in his eye. “I saved you for a reason now shut up.” She says growling a bit. “Would you prefer to die?” Daemon instantly shuts up and walks out and sits down at the entrance of the cave alone watching the rainfall thinking about how beautiful Nightmare is even if she scares him a bit, and as he sat there at the entrance to the cave, he began humming a song that's familiar to both him and Nightmare without either of them realizing it. Still sitting down in the corner Nightmare sighs and just thinks a bit before quietly whispering, “I feel like I recognize him from somewhere...ugh stupid brain..” Daemon sighs and stops humming as he hears a wolf’s howl above the cave entrance and he moves back to where Nightmare is waiting and lays back down, as he does so he cutely says “I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked it was none of my business” And sighs as he watches her waiting on a response. Nightmare just looks at him studying his face a little not realizing he said something. Daemon relaxes and just sighs lying down and realizing Nightmare isn't really listening right now. Focusing back to the real world quickly she asks “Huh what did you say?” Daemon sighs and replies “Nothing just i'm sorry for being nosy” And he softly starts snoring quietly. Sitting there still Nightmare blinks a few times then sighs and smiles a little. “It’s alright..” as she says this Daemon relaxes more knowing shes not mad at him and goes straight to sleep. Looking at Daemon, Nightmare smiles and decides to go outside for a walk to continue thinking. While Daemon sleeps Nightmare gathers herbs and some rocks to eat. The next day when the sun rises, Daemon is awoken to Nightmare trying to force him to eat something that looks like leaves and rocks and being nice he goes ahead and eats it but immediately spits it out. Nightmare kinda glares and frowns a bit. “What’s wrong?” She asks Daemon. Daemon scratches the back of his neck kinda nervous. “I got a better idea” Daemon says smiling. 

Chapter three: Town

 Chapter 3

 “What?” Nightmare asks kinda curious. Daemon laughs at the fact of how nice Nightmare has started being and grabs her hand “I was thinking, we could go into town and get some real food if you're up for it?” He said still smiling. “Of course….It's just it's been a while since i've been around actual people….you're the first person i've talked to in almost 9 years...Will people even like me?” Nightmare asks looking down at her feet almost innocently and guitly. Daemon almost feels sorry for Nightmare and takes her hands in his softly saying “Of course they will...I mean I like you so why won't they?” Nightmare looks up smiling at Daemon. “But how do you know if they will? I have stolen many things before...killed many people. How can you be

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