» Adventure » Zodiac, Nick Venom [best book club books .txt] 📗

Book online «Zodiac, Nick Venom [best book club books .txt] 📗». Author Nick Venom

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Episode One "Zodiac"

In this world, humanity is plagued by demons that go by Zodiacs. Each represents a different Zodiac making twelve in total. These strong demons can level up to 150 and if any of these demons make it there then they are seen as too strong. Humans can go up to level 100 while lower minions like skeletons, zombies or goblins can go to level 15. Stronger minions have the ability to make it to level 50 where they stop leveling up.

Safe Haven was one of the last cities that hasn’t been ravaged by the Zodiacs or their minions. Frost and his family lived in terrible conditions in the cramped Safe Haven. The city was cramped due to too many people flooding in. The cramped city was also starving as food reserves were drained.

Frost is level 5 as he watched his family and city go down. Cancer arrived and tore the city apart. The guards were overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of minions including Greg the Sinner a level 38 and Fox Moon a level 45. Greg is a human who became a demon and Fox is a pure breed demon but they aren’t Zodiacs and so they can’t past level 50. Frost saw Cancer who was level 102 tear the city with only a couple of people past level 10 fighting back. They were killed on sight by Greg and Fox as they were triple in levels. The strongest buildings collapsed and the people in power fled without a single thought about their citizens. They wanted to save themselves and didn’t care about their people. They didn’t make it far as their helicopters were attacked and crashed by Cancer and his minions. Frost saw as his family was torn in pieces in front of his eyes. Then ruble stacked on top of him. The pressure was building on Frost’s sixteen-year-old body. At first, Frost tried getting the ruble off, but no matter what he did the ruble stayed on top of him. He was slowly dying as the pressure was crushing his body and without much oxygen, he was slowly suffocating.

The pressure was soon gone as Frost realized he was yelling the entire time he was under the ruble. He looked up and saw two people. The first wore all black and resembles a stereotypical assassin while the other wore casual clothes and wielded a big hammer. The guy with the hammer got the ruble off Frost and dragged him to safety. There Frost learned that Safe Haven had fallen and so far he was the only survivor. 

“I’m Trios while my friend here is Zero. I’m guessing you’re feeling vengeance against Cancer and his buddies for taking out your city? You could leave this city and try to fight him or you can join us, ‘The Zodiac Killers’ and train by the hands of us to get stronger and defeat Cancer one day.” Trios asked him. He looked around and all he saw was destruction and death. He then looked at Trios and Zero. “I’m in.”

Episode Two "Scorpio"

Five years have passed since Safe Haven’s destruction. During that time Frost hasn’t been idle. He was constantly training under Zero and Trios to become stronger. Leveling up is very difficult and complex as they are certain ways to leveling up that don’t work with higher levels. Frost was now level 10 while his teachers and comrades (Zero and Trios) were level 21 and level 17.

Frost was going on his first mission as Zero and Trios deemed him “worthy” of joining them on a mission. Their mission was to save a village from falling due to low-level minions. They were being assisted by another group within the titled “The Zodiac Killers.” The Zodiac Killers had many smaller groups within it. Zero and Trios were a group that went by “Lincoln” which Frost didn’t know why they went by that name. The other group went by “The Revengeful Four.” Their members consisted of Akato, Lucy, Ranto, and Griff. The seven of them went to the village where they saw the low-level minions. Their levels matched that of the low-level minions. Once there “The Revengeful Four” pushed forward the village attacking the minions. The “Lincoln” group stayed back as they watch as the four slaughtered the minions. After clearing the village of the minions they decided to report back to base when they hear a rumble. It grew as Akato noticed a large monster heading towards them. 

“A zodiac is on his way here!” Akato shouted. Griff and Ranto rushed towards the zodiac intending to put an end to it. “Get back here!”Akato yelled. His members paid him no attention. The zodiac was Scorpio the Scorpion and was level 85. Griff swung with all his might hitting Scorpio in his head. Scorpio simply looked at Griff before grabbing his head and lifting him into the air and crushing his head into pieces. Ranto rushed at Scorpio aiming at his legs but his weapon had no effect and bounced off.  Scorpio looked at Ranto before swinging his large hammer into Ranto’s stomach throwing him away.

“Let’s let higher level Zodiac killers take care of Scorpio,” Trios says aloud. Frost wasn’t leaving as he stated: “I’m not leaving yet.”

“It’s a level 85 zodiac! Let’s get out of here.” Lucy insisted. 

“Go on without me,” Frost said. Frost rushed at Scorpio taking out his sword and swung his weapon hitting Scorpio in his legs. Frost let go of his weapon dodging Scorpio’s attack. Frost ran at Scorpio grabbing his sword and dealing another blow into Scorpio. Scorpio fought back by landing a blow on Frost’s shoulder which ended up throwing him back. “Frost!” Trios yelled. Frost was injured, but not dead like Ranto. 

“It seems that I’ll have to take care of this.” A voice uttered. A beast of a man emerged from the shadows and was known as “Toro the Taken Sinner” and was level 100. Toro has reached the maximum level a human can get to. Toro looked at Scorpio before raising his scythe and going to attack. Scorpio went to attack as well but missed all his attacks as Toro had his agility maxed out. Toro closed the distance and sliced Scorpio in half. One of the twelve zodiacs was killed leaving only eleven Zodiacs left.

Episode Three "One Year Later (1)..."

Zero’s slender build tricked those who have never met him. It hid the power that was stored within him. Trios' big build showed off his muscles. He wasn’t afraid to hide his muscles with a black latex suit that Zero always wore. Frost wore a dark blue parklees jacket. A jacket that was slim and didn’t have fur attached and looked similar to a leather jacket. The three wielded their respective weapons. Frost wielded a sword. Trios had a hammer while Zero carried daggers. Frost spent his time by training with his sword against fellow Zodiac killers, Akato and Lucy. After the fight with Scorpio Akato and Lucy decided to join Frost, Zero, and Trios and merged groups. Akato and Lucy became members of the sub-group “Lincoln”. The group created a base outside of the ruins of Safe Haven in case anybody came across it. Frost also spent time daydreaming and resting. He had a balance of resting and training. Zero spent his time on solo missions as he couldn’t sit still. He needed to stay active and keep his guard up. Trios took on quests that he received from smaller bases. He acted as their mercenaries while also spending time to help with Frost’s training.

Frost returned to their home base they nicknamed ‘Ruin Heaven’. Frost walked up to the gate and noticed the new gatekeeper. Rookie Lanze guarded the gate. “Good afternoon, Lanze,” Frost said.

Lanze nodded. “Good morning, Frost.” Lanze opened the gate and allowed Frost in. Within the walled-in compound was five houses. Four of them served as housing while the fifth was used as their base of operations. Frost entered the fifth house nicknamed ‘Operations’. Inside was Akato and Lucy lazing around. The two received a rare day off and planned to use it to their advantage.

Akato noticed Frost. “What’s up, Frost. You need something?”

“Hey, Frost,” Lucy said.

“Hey, guys. Just looking for a new request.” He answered.

Akato shook his head. “You need to take the day off. At least enjoy your breaks. You just arrived from doing a quest and now you want to do another one? Your body will break on you.”

“He’s right, Frost. Even Zero takes his breaks.” She added.

Frost sighed. “I know, I will. I want to do one more then I’ll call it a day.” Akato shook his head. “Hey! How are the others?”

Akato spun around in his chair to face the board of computer screens that were plastered all over the walls. On the screens were dots and coordinates. “Zero is off at a little village doing cleanup work. Trios is doing a bodyguarding job for the merchant town ‘Alatin’. And the rookie Jaz is helping with another Zodiac killer group.”

"Guys!” Lucy interjected. “Something’s off.”

Akato looked confused. Lucy was looking at a screen that showed the lifelines of every member and noticed that Jaz’s lifeline was slowly decreasing.

“Hello! This is Jaz, requesting backup. I’ve been attacked by a pack of low-level demons. Suspicions that a Zodiac is nearby.” Jaz radioed in. 

"This is Akato. We hear you and we’re sending reinforcements your way.” Akato said through a microphone placed in the middle of the screens. “Frost, get to the Black Wing!” he shouted. Frost nodded. Lucy got up from her chair and followed Frost. Akato stayed behind in the room. “Lanze! Close the gate and get over here!” He shouted through the microphone and over to the speaker at the main gate. There are several speakers all over the base. 

Frost got to the Black Wing. The Black Wing is a gigantic ship that is mainly used to hold and transport cargo. A bulky ship similar to a cargo bob. Frost and Lucy got onto the ship. Frost took the pilot seat while Lucy was given the co-pilot seat. Frost turned the ship on and started the journey towards Jaz. They never noticed three individuals hiding outside of the base. The three suspicious individuals looked at the ship and watched it fly away before making their move on the

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