» Adventure » Kira Run, DEU' Angel [the best motivational books TXT] 📗

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To my darling T. T. Wilson,

Happy birthday in advance……..




Other books by DEU' Angel

Chronicles of Alion- Flora's Delirium; Book 1

Cold Hands; Loving the Undead

Kira run





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540 million years ago in Venus, living organisms survived the harsh nature of the planet. Buried in the dense part of an ever blue forest survived a colony of Pyrains. Kira a young pyrian refused to adapt to the ways and traditions of her race. Bjorn and Olivia her delusional parents earnestly tried to compel her to survive their blood thirsty habitat. But sometimes things go wrong………………

The Organisms living in Venus Five hundred and forty million years ago varied from Predatory plant, Carnivorous Creatures to intelligent prey. Each organism had a unique set of abilities to survive their habitat.

Names of organisms and their Traits

Pyrain - A human like creature, skin colour varies from blue with black strips to green with black stripes depending on the particular race. Hair is crimson red, all Pyrains posses the ability to transform (lit) their hair to flames an instinctive mechanism to suite their habitat. They are purely Omnivores.

Beast - They are carnivorous (feed mostly on Pyrain) lone ranger flying creatures (lords of the air), hunting only at daylight; they live in constant fear of the Moon Soldiers. The Beast appearance looks like a lion accompanied with giant Eagle wings, its posses an armored skin impenetrable to any sort of weapon except that of the Moon Soldiers.

Inn - Small rodents typically resembling diminutive Rats having pointed snouts and small ears but no tail. They are the Monarchs of Venus.

Liputan - A blue to grey social insect living underground in organized colonies, characteristically the females have wings excluding the males, They are extremely fast insects.

Moon Soldiers - A fine luster of moon dust appearing to be men. They are a military unit serving to protect Amity.

Antox - A toxic plant known as the Clingy lady. It grows typically from 30-65 centimeters. Symptoms are generally irritation, pain, swelling of tissues and paralysis. If the mouth or tongue swells, breathing may be fatally blocked leading to death.

Amity - A demi-goddess of the moon.

Other organisms include Giant worms (Ferroworms and Flunaworms), Carnivorous Plants and double headed horned Vipers .




     Kira yelled at her Mother, swatting the dagger away from her grasp.

    ‘You must child,’ Olivia picked the almost buried dagger from the blue shed of leaves; she inserts the handle of the blade in Kira’s closed palm.

    ‘Take it you must.’ Olivia commanded. ‘It’s easy; all you have to do is just stick it in its gut.’ Olivia gently directs Kira’s blade to the Inn’s throat restrained in a cage. The Inn looks into Kira’s eyes and vice, its feet begins to tremble.

    ‘Please don’t, don’t do it, you are a good child I know this.’ It said.

    ‘Do not listen to it.’ Olivia interrupts.

    But the desperate Inn seeking freedom continues, ‘I have a wife and two beautiful kids,’ its eyes widens even more filled with despair. ‘Have mercy.’ The Inn said.

    ‘Darn it, you little rodent, shut your mouth.’ Olivia hits the cage. There’s no room for it to move, its casket is just too small. ‘You’re wasting time; day is nearly upon us, hurry child.’ Olivia said.

    Suddenly their shadow appeared with the ray of sunlight shinning on their backs.

    ‘Let me out, let me out!’ the Inn screams shaking the cage vigorously.

    A loud roar filled the void air; both Pyrains unlit their hair.

    ‘Run.’ Olivia cries. Both fled towards an open field, Olivia spots Bjorn far across, he raced towards them with his double edged axe.


    ‘Go back.’ Bjorn screamed.

     Olivia gasps, ‘Oh no!’  A huge shadow glided over her and Kira, her hair flames up and out in a flash. The shadow speeds downwards stomping on their path creating a tremor on the surface and unleashed a mega roar. Kira began to tremble likewise Olivia.

    ‘Bjorn.’ Olivia cried aloud.  Kira still holding unto the dagger, Olivia snatched it away from her tender hands. She jumps North-east from her once presiding position, and she hisses at the Beast drawing its attention towards her by taking more steps further away. Bjorn quickly arrived at the scene; quickly he pulled Kira by the hand taking her to the first shade of trees he spots ahead.  Quickly he dashed back roaring towards the Beast.

    ‘Come here.’ Bjorn yelled at the Beast.

‘I’ll distract it; take the other route to the colony.’ He said to Olivia.

Kira hid under the shade of thick blue leaves watching her parents fight off the Beast. Then, she heard a cry not far away.

    ‘Help,’  ‘anyone out there,’ ‘help.’ The pitch increases. She walked towards the call; she parted the leaves obstructing her path and once again sees the trapped Inn.

    ‘Thank goodness, it’s you again, kindly lift the cage up for me, will you?’ it said.

    Kira did as it requested,

    ‘Bless you child, I can see you’re in trouble.’ The Inn said, Kira nods her head positively.

    ‘The name’s Foss. Foss the brave, well that’s what my friends call me,’ ‘But I insist you address me as your Royal highness.’ He adds.

    ‘Why don’t I just call you Mr. Foss?’ Kira said,

    ‘No, No, No, No,’ Foss refuses ‘Repeat after me your Ro, Royal Hiiighness.’ He says.

    ‘My parents Mr. Foss, they need help.’

    ‘I would watch that mother of yours die twice if I had to, she tried to use me for sport.’ He shrugged his shoulders.

    ‘Please help.’ Kira cried.

    ‘Oh well, I will.’ He said, ‘Let me see, hmmmmm, hmmmm,’ he gave different poses thinking.

    ‘Hurry please.’  Kira vamped.

Bjorn, Olivia and the Beast

    Bjorn takes a swing with his axe at the Beast but it maneuvers side-stepping him, it lashed Bjorn with his armored tail sending him to the ground. Olivia jumped onto the Beasts jabbing her dagger on its scales, but her continuous attempt to bruise its flesh proved futile.

Kira and Foss

    ‘Don’t rush me, let me think.’

     ‘Pyrains!’ Foss speaking, ‘Hurry take that, that and that, pick that up too, over here, take that, not that one the other one, alright, well done, hand them over to me.’ He quickly combines all together. ‘So tell me what you think.’

    Kira looks at the figure strangely,

    ‘Isn’t it beautiful?’ Foss asked.

    ‘It’s just a pile of dirt clued with flower’s nectar.’ Kira said

    ‘Don’t be rude young girl; it’s a gift for my wife.’

    ‘What for?’ Kira asked,

    ‘My wife caught me with another Inn; I left home just to avoid her taking my head off at night while I slept.’ Foss smirks.

    ‘My Parents Foss, my parents.’ Kira beckoned.

    ‘Oh yes, we must help at once.’

    ‘Pick that stick up and wrap it up with those twigs.’ He speaks cynically. Kira frowns looking at him.

    ‘Well go on, do it.’ He commanded

    ‘Alright, light it up.’


    ‘You’re a Pyrain aren’t you?’

    Kira looks at him not having an idea of what he wants her to do with the stick,

    ‘With your hair, light it up with your hair.’

    ‘I can’t, it’s quite difficult getting it to lit during daytime.’ She said

    ‘You better have to kiddo, or your precious parent becomes breakfast for the Beast.’

    Kira breathes slowly, deep, long and hard trying to lit up her hair.

    The Beast stroke Olivia with its claws knocking her out bloodied and unconscious. Bjorn swings his axe continuously preventing it from coming further towards Olivia, then the creature sneaks its tail, eluding Bjorn’s sight, it quickly knots on his ankle pulling him hard to the ground. The Beast attempts to devour Bjorn but he instinctively braced its attack with the handle of his axe. Amity was fast asleep; Bjorn feared this might be the end of him and Olivia. When suddenly Kira appeared with a flame torch and her lit hair.

    ‘Oh no!’ ‘Kira’ Bjorn screamed

    ‘Kira run, run Kira, run.’ Bjorn screamed louder.

    The Beast shifts its attention from Bjorn towards Kira; it suddenly had a relish desire for Kira now. It roared and sprang up flying towards her direction.

   ‘Now this is the part where you run.’ Foss alerted her.


   ‘Come with me, run,’ ‘Keep up with me, ok.’

    The Inn runs on all fours leading Kira to an unknown destination, they ran in the dense part of the forest. The Beast is unable to reach for her due to the overly compacted trees and leaves; it follows from the rear feeding on her flames.

    ‘Why is it still chasing us?’ Kira asked

    ‘Not us, you.’ Foss says ‘The Beast is attracted to the flames.’ He said

    Kira stops putting out the torch and her hair.

    ‘It’s too late for that kiddo, you’ve been marked by the Beast already, it only sees you no other,’ ‘let’s keep moving.’

    ‘What do I do?’ Kira asked,

     ‘We just have to avoid it till Amity wakes.’ Foss said,

    ‘I can’t run all day.’ Said Kira

    ‘Neither can I, I’m too fat for this, my brother Max lives not far away, he knows what to do he can help.’

    Kira got tired of running likewise Foss, but they didn’t stop.

    ‘We’re almost there, hang on.’ Foss said. Suddenly a Shaggy looking Inn rams Foss from the rear smashing him against a log.

    ‘Tom?’ Foss

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