» Adventure » Ms . Darkrose, mysteriousgirl1 [android e book reader TXT] 📗

Book online «Ms . Darkrose, mysteriousgirl1 [android e book reader TXT] 📗». Author mysteriousgirl1

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Chapter 1

"Have been 3 year since you are gone mum , dad! Three years since you were murdered.... Huh i am fine even if i miss you very much !!! I know that you may be not very happy for my life style, but i don t want someone to feel pity for me, i want to live on my own . I hate when others cry and consult me! You are gone and this is a fact that i accepted long time before! You can t return anymore and i can t think always of my past life! Now i am a different person , but always your daughter Rose ; heh pretty funny he? Rose like my red eyes and hairs.
Well , what can i say : school is going very good and job too. Now i should go , it is almost school time , but don t worry i will come again to visit your grave ! Bye !"

"Where have you been Rose ?! We are late for school!"
"Sorry Azura i visited my parents . It was their third anniversary of death. "
"Mmm have you heard for the newest prisoners that Ms Darkrose captured? She is a legend! No one knows her or her address. She is a mystery for all! People say that she works alone and she study her clients before getting the job . I am a fan!!!"
"Ah !"
"Hey isn t your cellphone ringing Rose?"
"Yeah! It is my second phone! Go ahead i will reach you soon!"
"Okay but hurry!"
"Hi, you are speaking with Ms Darkrose your information?"
"Hello , i have a job for you miss ! Where can we meet? "
"Tell me your address and i will come!"
"My address is......."
"Fine i will be there in midnight!Until then ...Bye!"

Chapter 2
"Hi miss Darkrose today you return early in house , another job perhaps?"
"Hello , Jane yeah it seems so. Is the lunch ready ? I am starving from appetite ."
"Sure miss, and your room is clean and in order as you like ."
"What would i do if you were not here to keep my house Jane! Thanks for all ! Well i was to my other home , my parents home when i returned from school and clean the house and that was very hard imagine me to clean this enormous house ! But i am glad i have this house too because it is the fruit of my hard work in this 3 years even if no one even you know my real identity ! You did it very well your job !"
"Thanks miss! When will you go tonight , if hat isn t a secret."
"Well i will go in 10 pm but the meeting is in midnight."
"And..... about the persons who killed your parents? Do you have new informations?"
"Heh ... no not yet , but i will not give up ! I will do anything to find them costs whatever ! And then , i will get my revenge , i will make justice by myself!!!"
"But miss , i know it is hard to accept the fact that the murders of your parents are free , but making justice by yourself??? Isn t that a crime?"
"No the crime is what they did, mine is just a justice! But change theme what do we have for lunch?"
"Well , this is a secret ! Come in kitchen to find it !"
"Okay !!!!"

Chapter 3
"Please enter Ms Darkrose i have been waiting for you! How was your trip?"
"Hi Mr Kaoru my trip was good enough ! Now what want you from me? What job can have a important person like you , a businessman very popular who has a lot of people who protect him , for me?"
"It seems like you don t lose time and also that you have made search on me Ms Darkbeauty!"
"Well , i am just doing my job ! It the minimum that i know who is my client and what want he from me isn t it? And then i will decide if i want to do it or not! So???"
I want you to survey someone for me. His name is Yusuke . He is..."
"Wow wait a minute ! I am not a spotter , i am a person who makes justice but i don t kill anyone !"
"Let me finish please ! I want you to observe him because I have a doubt that he may be involved in a very dangerous band of criminals who murdered two persons three years ago and after they disappear . Now they are here to kill their daughter because she was the unique person who had seen their faces, and i don t want Yusuke to be involved with them !"
"I accept the job!"
"What ? But how , i mean this is great but what did you made change idea?"
"Hey uncle is ...."
"Hello Yusuke ! Hmmmm what is so important that you interrupt my conversation with this miss? Bumping in the room like that...."
"Sorry uncle ! I ...... i will talk to you later!
Nice to meet you miss!"
"So he is your nephew? Well, returning to our conversation i accepted because i have some private business with those criminals and your nephew seems a perfect bait for this job but don t worry i will try to not hurt him!"
"Yes he is my nephew and he lives with me because his parents died in a car accident some years ago. How much want you for this job?"
"Well if it isn t for capturing some criminals then 7000 Euro and 3000 Euro should be transfered in my account now ."
"Sure ! It is a pleasure to work with you Ms Darkrose! "
For me too. Goodbye ! I will keep you in contact for what will happen but where can i find him ?
"He is the new transfered student in Ouran high school . Have a safe trip !"

Chapter 4

"How was the trip miss?"
"Jane , what are you doing you awake early in the morning ? It is just 5 am ."
"I was worry about you miss!"
"Oh my dear Jane thanks for worrying !"
"So how was the meeting?"
"Well i discovered some interesting things and what is the most important thing is that the killers of my parents are in the city and they are searching for me ; they want to kill me! Huh just like i wanted ! Now i will not regret their death that will happen very soon! I am so glad that i accepted this work!"
"Just be careful miss !"
"Now i will go home because i should be there when my friend will call me in the morning to go to school! Bye Jane ! Take care of my house !"
What for a chance ! I am searching they , they are searching me!!! Hahaha this will be a lot of fun !Finally!!! Now let see how is this Yusuke ! I should accept it that he was very hot ; with those deep blue eyes and blue hair .He is very handsome , but his eyes are full of sadness . I wonder how did his parents die.
It is better for him to now be involved with those criminals cuz i will be with him as cruel as with the criminals!

Chapter 5
"Hi Rose , good morning!"
"Good morning Azura ."
"Didn t you sleep enough last night? You seemed sleepy."
"Yeah i watched a movie."
"Which one?"
"Ummmmm..... aha one with action!"
"Whatever now we should go in school Azura."
"Okay. I have heard that in our class will come a new student from an important family and i heard that he is hot too."
"Ah really? Well you know that i don t care for this teenager things anymore.I have more important things that falling in love with a lad ."
"Please Rose don t speak like that, cuz you know it is not true."
"Yeah , yeah whatever, let s hurry the bell is ringing!"
"Hello class , this is our new student Yusuke Kaouru . Please Yusuke sit next ms Rose."
"Hi , nice to meet you Rose!"
"Hi Yusuke !"
"Ah before i forget miss Rose i wanted to consult you because i know that last day was the 3 anniversary of death of your parents.I am very sorry my darling , if we can do something just say us what!"
"It is not necessary to consult me prof because it wont bring anything , i accepted the fact that they are dead 3 years ago tears and consults don t bring me anything it wont bring them back .So please forget about this story."
" Oh dear i know that you are very hurt but...."
"I am okay !"
"If there is something that we can do..."
Yeah , but what i ask is impossible ! I want revenge , i want they die just like they murdered my parents . But since no one can do me this favor ........"
"You know that we all appreciate you but revenge this is very bad!"
"A life for a life! It is an equal exchange ! Very normal for me!"
"You speak like this because you are very hurt ! You are still too young to make decisions."
"Hurt??? This is the right word to describe your feelings when your parents are killed in front of your eyes???Huh!!! What i feel it is not pain ; it is revenge , hate all negative emotions that you cann t even imagine ! Believe me if i had the chance to kill them i will do it!"
"Enough ! on t speak like that! I order you to stop ms Rose!"
"Yeah , yeah whatever! I am going , i cann t hear those words anymore ! It makes me sick!"
"You can not abandon your classes! Where are you going?"
"To their grave! Leave me alone!" (crash)
"Sorry miss , i didn t see you!"
"You!!!!!!! Ummmm not it was my fault sorry!"
No problem , i am a new teacher here my name is Mr Kira ! You are?"
"Someone who is leaving , bye!"

Chapter 6
Oh hi mum , hi dad! I don t know what to do anymore! I know i overdo it ! But i am full of hate !
And now for my surprise those who killed you appeared! I bumped into one of them today ! I can not believe that i didn t kill him in that instant! I wanted to kill him in the moment he stand in front of me! I wanted to revenge you two! I WANTED .............I WANTED!!! Perfect now i am crying ! Stupid me !Stupid me ! Why ? Why am i so confused?! He stand in front of me and i .... i couldn t do anything! But perhaps it is better so! Perhaps i is better that Ms Darkrose take care of this not Rose! I would just mess all the things and i will be discovered ! I will not miss him next time ! He was just

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