» Adventure » Dranco A Tale Of Legend, Soban Saqib [novel books to read TXT] 📗

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A Tale for Vengeance

Soban Saqib

I: Unexpected Situation

Shouts and groans were coming from the training room of The Lire’s Shengeh studio.The international tournament was going on and fighters from the east were gathered at this onetime event.Lire was known over the world for its fighters and young Dranco was one of the newest students, pure of heart even though not strong.

He had been shot out of the ring early in the tournament by Caleb from a neighboring town. Caleb had fought well and had reached the finals and was going strong. Against him was the best fighter of Lire “The Wall”. Said to be never defeated the wall was always the reason Lire took the Golden Trophy. Now it looked like Wall would again win as Caleb looked like a little mouse in front of him. However Caleb had an advantage, he could move very fast and could then take down The Wall, and Caleb knew of this. No sooner had the bell been rung that Caleb sprang forward and went under The Wall and took him down.

It was an unexpected moment and the judges were flabbergasted. Caleb took the Golden Trophy and was praised not only in his hometown but in all cities as well Lire as it was not a proud city.

Dranco admired Caleb and later learned that Caleb was a much better archer than a warrior. As a ritual Caleb was to stay in the Big Halls for sometime in Lire. Dranco’s master and also the judge of the whole tournament gave Caleb the Golden Trophy. People came to cheer for him and great excitement unrolled. Suddenly the Master fell down and he had a dagger in his back. Dranco looked behind him and saw that a blackish figure had killed the master in the excitement. Dranco ran after him and took him down.

“Who sent you?” Dranco asked. “Hail Dragnov!” it cried and then died. Dranco was puzzled. He ran to the master and took his hand.” You are the purest of heart among all my disciples….I can find no one better to entrust this upon. ...” The master said handing Dranco a strange looking key.”I will avenge you master”” I know you will.Dont stray from the path and remember the key is always inside you.”The master said in his last words and died. Many people came to his funeral, but none were as sad as young Dranco as the master had rescued him as a cub because his parents had died in an accident.

Dranco was very sad and at the loss of his death and he vowed to take revenge. He took the key to master’s bedroom and found the special safe. In there were a pair of gloves with a note beside them entitled “To Dranco”. Nothing else was written. Dranco took the gloves and prepared to leave. He snuck out at night. On the main road leaving to the exit of the village he was caught by Caleb.” Where are you going?” he asked. “To avenge the master.”Dranco replied. “Let’s wait till morning I have a special friend coming who might be able to help us.” Caleb suggested. Dranco thus waited.



II: The Strange Traveler

It was midday when a strange looking person entered the town. It was even stranger when he asked to be allowed to go to the room in which Caleb lived. Dranco was sitting outside the training hall when that strange person followed by Caleb came to him.”This is Ballimore, a Wizard from the west and I think he might be able to help us get to the east. He knows a lot more about it than we do.”

Dranco looked at this strange figure. He was wearing a cloak over himself and he lifted this before talking with Dranco. Dranco saw that the Wizard was an old man with a grey beard and grey long hair. “Hello Dranco, “he said” You were only this much when I last saw you.””Um, you know me?”Dranco asked.”Yes, your father and I were good friends at a time. I saw you just before their uh...Mm.., ok. So I hear you are thinking of going into the wild or something?”The Wizard said.

“Yes, I am indeed thinking of doing that, I am thinking of going to kill Dragnov nonetheless.”

To this the Wizard looked down to the floor and a grieving look came over his face.” Well then, I think you will need my help so I am going with you both.” To this Caleb said “Good then, I am also going to join you in this adventure. We start in the morning at dawn, be ready”

It was till late night that they all sat together and kept on discussing their plans on how to pass through the wild to the other side. Dranco gave the idea to go through the water with a boat but to this the Wizard said” No good, Dragnov has a lot many men there and we won’t be able to fight them at all. Our best chance is to go through the land and just proceed stealthily.” Dranco was still sleepy when Caleb came to wake him up,

“Well let’s go then, you don’t want to be late now do you?” Hurrily Dranco got dressed and took the bag he had prepared. Just out his door the Wizard and Caleb were waiting with 2 horses and a pony for Dranco.” Let’s go now, we must get there quickly” Ballimore said.

They got on their respective animals and started the journey.

The company was a silent one. 2 horses and one pony with a Wizard, a ranger and a fighter. They were first passing through Outskirts of town and nobody was up so everything was silent. The weather was fine as it was the middle of May with good sunshine and occasional rainfall. “Well it has finally begun my journey to the wild just for the sole purpose of my master and I will not fail it” Dranco thought to himself. They had laden their ponies with food and other supplies.” “Better be prepared” were the Wizard’s words.

III: Amateur Mistakes

At first the lands were cheerful and there were signs of population after every bit on the road but soon the road got empty and there were tree stumps around the road Gazing ahead Dranco saw a line of trees undisturbed.” We are nearing the swampy forest” Ballimore said.

It looked like an untouched part of land near a village which wasn’t cleaned and the land was waterlogged. They started to pass through it. There was a damp and odd smell in the air and in many places in the ground there were pools of water.”Well at least we don’t have to worry about water running out “Caleb said laughing.”Don’t even think about it,”Ballimore said angrily “If you drink this water you will lose all five of your senses and the ability to move, all you will be able to do would be to see hear if the effects aren’t too great.” Dranco looked at the water. It seemed clear and fine to drink but he didn’t dare disobey the Wizard’s teachings.

As night approached they set up camp and the Wizard went to look for some logs.”Well might as well light a fire, I am freezing” Ballimore said. The temperature was quite low though it was May.”Yeah let’s get it going “Caleb replied. They soon had a fire going and were waiting for Ballimore when suddenly they were grabbed from behind and tied up. Dranco was knocked out. He came to his senses later and saw that he was sitting tied up between a ring of kabolds and Caleb was tied next to him. The room was lit with torches. In front of him Dranco saw no less than 2 feet away, the Great Kabold standing in anger and all his soldiers were gnashing their teeth.

“Been a long while since people came this way, what are you doing here?” The Great Kabold asked

“We are just passing along to see our relatives” replied Caleb “Liar, that is a lie my lord” shouted the chief of the kabolds.

“How do you prove that?” asked the King “though I don’t doubt you are wrong.” To this the chief picked up Dranco and held up his gloves” Sire they have the gloves of Serendipeth!”

All the kabolds shouted in rage and the king in anger rushed towards Dranco to kill him. Suddenly all the lights went out in the cave and the chief holding Dranco was killed. They started running. When the lights came back on, Dranco looked behind and saw that The King was dead on the ground and they were running away from the kabolds behind Ballimore. They were running and often had to stop to kill few kabolds that had caught up. Finally they were out in the open with the trees still surrounding them.

“Quickly climb a tree!” Ballimore shouted

They scrambled up the trees just as the kabolds burst into the tree line. They missed them and went ahead howling.

After a minute or so Ballimore hissed “What were you thinking lighting a fire in these parts?!””We assumed you had gone to collect wood to light a fire.”Caleb replied. “No I went to scout the area, fine never mind but don’t light a fire like this or you will only attract other creatures. By the way I think these belong to you.”Ballimore said handing Dranco the gloves “Snatched them off the guard.”

“Thanks!” Dranco replied, happy he still had them.

IV: Knowledge is Power

After spending his first night in a tree, the party was woken up at the crack of dawn by chirping of birds. “Well better get going” Ballimore said. They went down to the fireplace and got their stuff back. Then they continued on the path after drinking water. “Come on we have to hurry, I sense a storm coming and we have to get to the valley before it. I sent a message before we left and we are expected.”Ballimore said “how did you send the message?” Caleb asked.

“Through birds.” Ballimore answered. They travelled for a long time and to either side there was nothing but trees and rocks. The land was gently sloping upwards. After two days of travelling their recourses finished they went to sleep with an empty stomach. The next day as dusk approached Ballimore got off the path and went to the right, followed closely by the others. Suddenly out of the dark leaped two Nymphs with spears in hand, “Who are you that dare to come to the kingdom of Duselhove?”

“We are friends of the Ariel The Seventh and we have sent our request ahead of time! I am Ballimore and these are my fellow adventurers.” Ballimore said

“Come the king awaits you.” One of them said and leaded them into a tree.(Yes reader you read correct, a tree)

Just as they touched the tree, they went into it and on the other side was a whole other world. Birds were flying around and the whole place was lightened up. There were mermaids in pools and Pegasuses were grazing in the fields.

“What is this place?” Dranco asked

“This is Duselhove, built by the Rhydanne as a place for all the peaceful creatures who wish to live in it.” Ballimore replied.

Suddenly Dranco saw, emerging from the trees at his right an old Rhydanne, he had a wise and kind face and he was carrying a flower.

“Hail Ariel the Seventh!”Ballimore shouted bowing his head.

“Ah, Ballimore the Blue! I have been waiting for you.” Ariel said “And who are they?” he asked.

“Caleb from Stalingrad.”

“Dranco from Lire” They both said bowing.

“Let’s go to my palace and there

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