» Adventure » Shadows of the Night, ? [i am reading a book txt] 📗
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I jolted up, my deep violet eyes filled with terror. I touched my face to be assured it was only a dream. I had broken out in a cold sweat and was shaking in fear. Nightmares again ever since I was young Id been getting them.I looked at my calendar today was the first of many torturous days of high school a kids worse nightmare. Groaning, I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stomped over to my bathroom, undressing and turning the hot water on letting it flow like lava over my tanned skin making my midnight blue hair stick to my face all the way down my back reaching the end of my spine. The water helped refresh my senses. I waited till the shower became cold before coming out and looking at myself in the mirror, my deep violet eyes looked lifeless the way I felt. I quickly got in a long-sleeved white shirt with a rose pattern along with a pair of red jeans and my converse shoes, I applied a little make up before gathering my purse , phone,bag and leather jacket before grabbing my keys and going into the garage. I put my helmet on and got on my motorcycle.I reeved the engine before speeding off towards the most boring day of my life. Oh how wrong was I.

I walked into my first class science ,fun right, and all eyes were on me,No, to be exact behind me probably just another popular .I sighed and walked over to my seat next to my bffwne (best friend forever with no exceptions) Maylene or May for short we have been friends since the beginning of time she had the fashion sense and I had the smarts we were total opposites yet we were perfect for each other. I slumped into my chair bored"psst.. Oi Taylor" she said
"What May?" I grumbled"
"Who's The new kids" She asked gesturing to the five kids standing at the front of the class
"Didn't you listen to anything the principal was saying during assembly" I groaned
" Now why would I do that when I have you to listen to that rubbish for me" she smiled sweetly
I smiled back " There transfer students theres four more of them in different classes" I told her
" I totally bagsy the cute one on the far right okay" She grinned licking her lips
" yuk seriously you hit on every hot guy in school, Plus Im not over Tom yet you know that" my voice cracking at the end tom was my best friend and boyfriend;8 months ago he went missing just disappeared we had made plans everything I didn't talk to anyone in 6 months ,I shutdown, I felt like a zombie finally May helped me she was the only one who never stopped trying she was always there she made a promise that she would never leave me alone and I started getting on with life again but I've never been the same since theres a hole inside me where he should be my only love.
" I know Tay but you need to get over tom he's gone you need to move on give it time" she whispered
" Im sorry but theres some things that time cannot erase" I replied blankly before turning back to the class that had already begun.
I waited for the endless minutes of torture to finish.The bell rang and I left the class room already rushing to my next class room before anyone noticed me. I skidded around the corner only to what felt like a wall which was weird because I didn't remember there being a wall there and I was right I looked up into a pair of blue piercing eyes that seemed to stare right through me. I started to sit up expecting him to walk off but instead I felt him helping me up off the ground " Thanks" His hand grabbed my wrist sending a sensation up my arm which I shook off and started to walk off I really didn't need this.
" Wait whats your name" he asked I turned around to get a good look at the person I was talking to; Standing in front of me was one of the hot new guys and when I say hot I mean smoking my eyes traveled up his body from his defined 8 pack of abs to his his full kissable lips and staring into his bright blue eyes covered lightly by his blonde fringe he looked a bit like tom, just the thought of his name made the void inside me grow eating me alive.
" Taylor why whats yours?" I said my voice staying flat
" My names Luke Im new here I was looking for english" he said
" Look Luke your new here so Im going to help you out I'll show you where english is and then you stay away from me its for your own good in a few months your be living up with the populars and will have forgotten all about me" I stated before walking off " come on then" I said gesturing in front of me
" Hey Taylor wait who said I don't want to hang out with you, I don't know how it works in your school but because of how popular people are doesn't decide who I want to be friends" he said
" Look Luke with some people thats okay but defiantly not me I don't really do friends your much better off staying away from me like the rest of the school does okay" I said dragging him to english.

When I got to english I sat in my usual corner near the back away from everyone and began to draw at first I didn't know what I was doing I just let my hand wonder around the page when I finally looked down and a silver wolf stared back at me it somehow looking somewhat familiar to me. While I carried on studying the picture I hadn't noticed the crowd of people that surrounded me, no not me, the person sitting next to me and guess who. Luke. I groaned and moved across the class room away from all the hustle and once again began drawing a few minutes later the seat next to mine was filled and another crowd of people swarmed near me. I was about to move once again when the teacher walked In and asked us to sit down well I say asked more like ordered.Sighing I sat back down and got out all my stuff and carried on drawing todays lesson was all about Shakespeare and being a nerd I knew all about it this was an easy A.No problems. I carried on with my wolf when I got the feeling of someone staring at me I instantly turned round and looked at him as he turned back around doing his work I hated that kid. I felt something press against my elbow a note from your favourite newbie
- Hey, wat u drawing

-none of your business , I wrote back

- Come On :) , he wrote back

- If I show you will you leave me alone , I scribbled

- Maybe

I lifted up the paper to show him the wolf

"Its really good" he said
"Thanks" maybe he wasn't that bad.
The rest of the lesson went fast and the bell was already going signalling lunch. I packed my stuff and found luke waiting outside for me
"Do you wanna have lunch with me taylor" he asked taking a deep breath I decided to take the chance
"Sure" I replied as we started walking off towards lunch
"So are you friends with the other transfer students" I asked as we shuffled slowly down the lunch line
"Yeah I'll take you to meet them" he told me
"sure" I said grabbing some food and heading towards the checkout where Luke paid for my lunch
"So where are your friends" I asked
"Over here" he said pulling me towards a large group near the back
"Guys this is Taylor, Taylor the three girls are Roxy ,Jasmine and my sister Autumn the other guys are Nick,Sam,Chris,Liam,Mike and you know me" he introduced pointing at the different people.
"Hi Im taylor but you can call me Tay" I said to them when Maylene walked over " Tay who's your new friends not ditching me already" she fake hurt
" Everyone this is May my BFFWNE don't ask BFF just wasn't enough" I stated and they laughed we spent the rest of lunch together chatting,eating and by the time the bell went for end lunch my opinion of luke had changed he was really nice once you got to know him better.

The week went by fast and me and Maylene had grown close with the group Luke made me feel whole once again and for the first In a long time I was happy but nothing lasts forever.

"See ya Monday"
" Are You Sure You Don't Want A Lift " She Said
"No Thanks" I shouted behind me as May walked towards her car and I headed off towards the wood next to the school which provided a shortcut to my house today had been normal me and luke hanged out with the rest of their group May joined us in lunch before running off to do some more over due homework. I stepped Into the woods the light coming through the trees danced lightly across my skin as I took in the earthy smell I looked around at the beautiful scenery the moss growing on the trunks of the trees; droplets of water dripping from large leaves evidence of the recent rain The silence was peaceful and calm before shouting in the distance ruined it.Curious I headed towards the direction of the voices, step by step I edged myself closer to the fighting. Silently I slipped behind a tree at the border of a large clearing listening In closely

"- I just want the girl she's mine"
" You Leave her alone she doesn't even know what she is yet" said a familiar voice
" Im getting her I don't care what you say"
""Why do you even want her"
" Like I said she's mine"
"Leave Taylor alone" Is he talking about me,
"Your too late the other vampires are just waiting for my command to move In and grab her" wait did he just say vampires I must be going crazy.
I looked around the tree to see luke and another man with his back to me.
Suddenly Luke disappeared and in his place stood a Large black wolf I couldn't believe my eyes what happened he,it,no a werewolf but It couldn't be! The wolf/luke lunged at the other man who flashed out the way but now I could see his face I looked closer It couldn't be " Tom" I whispered both heads snapped towards me; I didn't think I just ran The light was fading, creating new shadows and dark patches around me. Eyes glimmered from tree hollows. The wind wailed between distorted trunks, carrying the sickly stink of wood rot. I moved faster, ignoring the branches that caught at my jeans, I just did as much as possible to get away and to the closest safe place I could think of Maylenes house.
After an eternity I finally arrived at

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